A review of The Digital Plague, Avery Cates #2:
“This was my first Jeff Somers book, and I will be avoiding any other books from the series. I would have rated this book 3 or 4 stars if not for the overuse of the F-Word. The F-ING writing style is F-ING like this: If you are F-ING fine with having to deal with the the F-ING F-Word, sometimes twice in the same F-ING sentence, then F-ING go for it. I’m not overly sensitive. I use the same word myself at dumb drivers, for example. My objection is the way it detracts from the narrative, like having a conversation with a person with limited vocabulary, throwing in F-bombs throughout their conversation.”
That is all.
fuck me silly
deary me
I’m not fucking overly sensitive either. But The Digital Plague and the rest of the series is fucking brilliant. I just wish there were more, but I guess…it’s over. Fuck.
oh fudge
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