So, another week over, and what have I don? Not that much, as it happens. Still, once you start one of these sorts of Blog things, you have to keep it up or everyone stands around laughs at you because you can’t maintain even the simplest of projects. So here I am, are you happy? Are you happy judging me for my inability to even do a simple recap post on a weekly basis?
Ahem. At any rate, here’s what y’all need to know happened in The World of Jeff Somers this past week, because life moves pretty fast:
1. We Are Not Good People is still $1.99 for the Kindle (and Nook, Kobo, etc) version, and will be until July 31st. Kirkus called the book an “insistently entertaining novel, Somers creates a world of seedy urban crime that develops into a violent epic.” It’s also a good way to be ready for The Stringer, dropping in August for just $0.99.
2. I wrote a thing (right below this thing!) about how I hate several things that other people go crazy for, especially parades. If you agree with me that these things are terrible, please comment and support me and maybe we can defeat the evil Parade and Fireworks Industry. UNITE!
3. I posted this photo of my cat Coco Chanel and an expertly photoshopped cover of The Stringer:
4. I wrote several things for the Internet:
- For the Sci Fi and Fantasy fan, a roundup of the best books coming over at Barnes and Noble.
- Also over at B&N, I wrote about five writers who were very likely killed because of their books.
- I wrote an article called Steal Little, Steal Big for the September 2016 issue of Writer’s Digest about getting inspiration from other people’s writing. The whole issue is great, you should read it if you have writing and publishing aspirations.
And that about covers the main points. Until next time, I will be drunk and pantsless.