The Avery Cates Series in Order

Since I started writing new Avery Cates stories a few years ago, things have gotten out of hand in terms of keeping track of the order of the stories. With novellas that combine into novels like Voltron, it gets even messier. So here’s the master list of Cates stories, in series order.


Short Story: The Kendish Hit

Original Book Series:

  1. The Electric Church
  2. The Digital Plague
  3. The Eternal Prison
  4. The Terminal State
  5. The Final Evolution

New Book Series:

  1. The Shattered Gears:
  2. The Burning City
  3. The Machines of War

Hope that clarifies!


  1. Anne

    Well that’s my pay packet a little slimmer now. OOPS

  2. jsomers (Post author)

    Ha! Glad to hear it. And your comment prompted me to update the page with the latest titles!

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