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Submission & Content Fees: Back Away from the Abyss

Look, the people who run our fine magazines and web sites where fiction is published are hard-working, good-hearted people who no doubt have nothing but the best intentions. And selling a story and getting it published someplace is a thrill as well as a professional achievement.

That being said, don’t pay submission fees. Or contest entry fees. Ever.

Some will disagree, and that’s fine; you are allowed to be wrong.

Death by a Million Cuts

Writing isn’t the most lucrative career in the universe, for the most part. For ever writer making a fortune, there’s a whole lot more making a living. And for every writer making a living, there are a whole lot more not making much at all. In fact, writing is one of those careers where you can be both relatively successful (in terms of publication credits, fan base, etc.) and flat broke.

So, no, a $3 submission fee to Literary Journal Run by Sophomores in College or Literary Journal Whose Subscriber Base is 100% Writers Hoping to Sell Stories isn’t a lot of money, and the arguments that these fees go to cover the costs of the market itself seem innocuous. But if you submit a lot of stories, that $3 adds up. If I’m spending $300 a year on submission fees, and I sell one story for, say, $100, then I am very, very bad at my career.

Personally I think the odds that the staff at these journals simply orders pizza every time some writer gives them $3 is pretty damn high. Then they pour a few fingers of Writer’s Tears into paper cups and laugh and laugh and laugh.

Avery Cates Doodle Winner

For the last Jeff Somers Rocks You Like an Email Hurricane email newsletter, I had a little contest and asked folks to send me doodles of Avery Cates. The doodles didn’t need to be great, or artistic, or anything. Just, you know, doodles.

(Didn’t know about the contest? Sign up for the newsletter, kid.)

The winner is Paul Surgenor, whose doodle of Avery’s eventual fate is pretty hilarious:

Still dangerous. Even as a brain in a jar…

Congrats to Paul, who wins an autographed copy of the audiobook CDs for The Eternal Prison.

Training for the Idea Olympics

Freelance Writing and Fiction Writing are two different beasts in many (most) ways, but they do share one thing in common aside from not paying nearly what they’re both worth: They both require you to be an Idea Machine.

We’ve discussed previously here how little value, in reality, a simple unadorned idea has in the sphere of writing. Ideas are cheap and plentiful, like widgets, and no one particularly cares that you have one—it’s only what you do with that idea that matters. For example, earlier today I had an idea for a post about the Idea Olympics, and until I started writing this post it wasn’t worth squat. Now it’s not worth much, but since I’ve shaped it into this post it’s worth something, so you see the magic trick involved.

The thing about all kinds of professional writing is this: You have to generate ideas. A lot of ideas.

Do We Need to Specify Good Ideas?

My ratio of sold, published novels to novels written is pretty low, because about 80% of my ideas are shit. I don’t know they’re shit until I write them, sadly. Because this ratio is so low, part of being a novelist is a constant stream of ideas that you then turn into a constant stream of books. Now, your definition of constant will vary. Some folks are more deliberate in their approach, and some folks, by dint of high sales, good reviews, and reputation can pick and choose which ideas to work on, because whatever they wind up producing will get published. For me, it’s all about finding that new idea that gets me excited and can sell to a publisher, which isn’t always easy.

Freelance is even more exhausting: As much as you’re producing content for people, you’re also expected to pitch ideas on a constant basis. The key to any freelance career, in fact, is the constant, steady pitching of ideas to the people who have the budget to buy ideas.

Either way, if you can’t come up with ideas on a steady basis, you’re not going to do great. So you should start training yourself for the Idea Olympics right now: Force yourself to come up with ideas, then shape those ideas into pitches, into queries, into synopses and other useful documents. The better you get at flexing those idea-generation muscles, the better your writing career will go. The trick to this is not to worry about bad ideas. Bad ideas will come. Embrace them, learn to identify them, and move on.

Or, if you’re me, spend years working on the bad ones, then drink very, very heavily.

The Joy of Copying

When the sentient mollusks that eventually inherit the irradiated ruins of the Earth sort through my manuscripts (which will, of course, be preserved as part of the brief, glorious dominance of human culture on this rock), they will pretty much be able to guess what I was reading when I wrote certain things, because of the wholesale theft and copying. I don’t feel any shame about this—in fact, as discussed here and many other places around the web, stealing ideas and techniques from better writers is a great way to become a better writer yourself.

Something a lot of people don’t talk about much? Stealing ideas and techniques from better writers is a lot of fun.

Never Figured Out the Butterfly Knife

There’s a crazy joy you experience when you try something new and make it work. The first time you ride a bike. The first time you beat a Boss in a video game. The first time you unclasp a bra one-handed with just a flick and a twist. The first time you play with a butterfly knife to impress girls and don’t end up in the emergency room.

Add to that, the first time you play around with an unreliable narrator. The first time you pull off (or, you know, mostly pull off) a stream-of-consciousness narrative. The first time you decide that this impossible plot twist is possible … because MAGIC EXISTS.

The first time you play with a technique or idea that came from someone else’s work is exhilarating. It’s exciting stuff, because you can feel your mastery over your craft getting stronger. The best part is, since you’re working privately, on your own, you don’t have to worry about whether you were too slavish in your imitation, or if it worked at a high professional level. Sometimes it’s okay to just enjoy the moment, the breakthrough. It’s like the first time you managed to go a full block on your bike. Sure, you still fell over at the end—but you did it, and that’s all that matters.

Stealing ideas from other writers is fun. It’s thrilling. Let’s not forget that. By the time you rub off the serial numbers and make that trick part of your own repertoire, the thrill will be faded and thinned-out, and as you read more widely and work more those thrills get fewer and far between. So enjoy them when happen.

Another thrilling moment? When you realize that pants are 100% optional while writing a novel.

Oh, The Edits You’ll Know!

One simple fact is that the moment you become a “professional” writer you will have to deal with edits and revision notes on anything you produce. It doesn’t matter if it’s a freelance piece you got paid $10 to write or a novel that got you a six-digit advance, those edits are coming, and some of those edits are going to infuriate you.

You work with them anyway, of course. The rule of thumb with revisions and edits is pretty simple: You consider them all. You respond and revise with some, you respond and don’t revise to others, but you deal with them all. Because you’re not as smart as you think you are.

Me Write Novel Good

Writing professionally is almost always a collaborative process, unless you’re super famous and successful and can force editors to bow to your will. I am neither of those things, and so I must work with editors in both the fiction and freelance milieu. The irony for me is that one reason writing appeals to me as an artistic expression is the lack of collaboration; I can write an entire novel—nay, a series of novels—without ever discussing them in any way with another human being.

When I want someone to pay me for my writing, that’s when things get sticky, because of course the folks opening the purse strings expect some input and control over what they’re buying. Which I understand, but it still galls you, because the process goes like this

  1. Work on novel/freelance project/epic poem about cats for approximately 7,000 years, until it is honed to perfection
  2. Show around to Beta Readers or others, deal with contradictory feedback, like when half your betas love the unreliable narrator and half think it’s “been done.”
  3. Revise for another 5,000 years.
  4. Sell it! And promptly receive a 700-page edit letter detailing that your new editor loved your work so much they want you to re-write 50% of it.

It can be depressing. But the secret is, you don’t have to do all the requested changes. You just have to take them seriously. Responding with a thoughtful reason why you’re not going to delete the character based on the Great Gazoo is all that’s necessary. What you shouldn’t do is sulk and refuse to respond. Because the other thing I know is that no matter how painful the editing process has been on either fiction or freelance, in the end my work has been better for it.

The Too Long, Didn’t Read version: Suck it up, Silky Boy, and do your revs.

Villain Decay

Villains are fun. Every story needs an antagonist, but not every antagonist qualifies as a villain, of course; villainy requires a certain amount of malice aforethought and purposeful evil. Simply resisting the desires of the protagonist doesn’t make you evil, after all.

Villains are fun, especially in a sci-fi or fantasy setting, because you can go all 1966 Batman on them and give them wonderful costumes, gadgets, powers, and evil genius. The same goes for monsters, which aren’t always villains and aren’t always your antagonist—but they’re just as fun. It’s great to make them scary, to imply apocalyptic doom walks behind them.

The problem then is that urge we all have to explain our villains and monsters. To give them backstory and psychological underpinning, to explore potential sympathy your readers might have for them. And while this can yield rich literary fruit, it also opens you up to Villain Decay.

The Slipper Slope

Villain Decay is when you overexpose your Big Bad and thus reduce their effectiveness. Put simply, the more we know about your villain or monster, the less effective they are. In horror movies the best monsters are the ones we only catch glimpses of. Hannibal Lecter was a much better villain before endless sequels gave him all kinds of history and justification for his cannibalistic psychosis.

The more you know, the less interesting they are.

In the recent films Guardians of the Galaxy, the character of Nebula played by Karen Gillan isn’t a major character or villain, but you can see Villain Decay in full effect. In the first film, she was a psychotic, merciless enemy. In the second, she suddenly pines for her sister, and shows far too many flashes of humanity to be a real villain. Part of it is the urge to put conflicting characters together in order to see the sparks fly; the problem is that once you have your villain team up with your heroes for mutual goals, you can never go back. You’ve reduced your villain and they will never be as scary again.

This isn’t a rule or anything, just something to think about. Villain Decay isn’t inevitable, but if you’re thinking of humanizing or deepening the back story of your villain, you should be prepared for the fall out—and be prepared to find a new villain.

The Non-Writers

Language can be pretty simple stuff, as when you ask someone what they do and they respond “lawyer” or “carpenter” or “rodeo clown.” But language can also be complicated stuff, like when someone asks me what I do and I say “writer” and they cock their head like a bewildered puppy and very clearly wonder what that means, exactly.

The occupation of “writer” is as much a lifestyle affiliation as a profession, sometimes; people just like to call themselves writers because of the implied intellectual and artistic acumen. What’s the qualification, though? When do you get to call yourself a writer? Obviously, when you write something. Whether it’s a haiku or short story or a 1,000,000-word novel about tiny superintelligent kittens in top hats who spend their time being exceedingly polite to each other in exponentially increasingly complicated ways, the moment you have begun and finished a written thing you, sir or madam, are a writer.

Unless you don’t let anyone read your stuff. Then you’re some sort of Schrödinger’s Writer.

Show Us the Words

We all know that so-called writer, the one who shows up for the writing meetups, talks endlessly about their novel, and describes themselves as a writer—but never allows anyone to read anything, much less tries to publish it. That’s their prerogative, of course; there are any number of reasons why you might not want to share your work. But if you don’t share your work, what’s the point? If you write a novel and nobody reads it, does it actually exist?

In a sense, no, it doesn’t. I’ve never understood not showing work around, or trying to sell it, or, hell, giving it away if you can’t find a buyer. If you don’t let anyone read it, then it dies with you, and in a sense never existed in the first place.

I don’t care if you make money from it. I don’t care if you sell a million books or you manage to give away three copies. For me, the only way to be a writer is to allow people the chance to read your work. Otherwise you’re something else entirely.

The Traditional Screwing

This topic was suggested by Jon Gawne.

Internet Lawyers will give you a lot of vaguely troubling advice around the publishing business, mainly obsessing over all the many ways that you will be screwed over by the companies that publish you. If you listen to Internet Lawyers, of course, you’ll find yourself more or less not doing anything out of sheer terror, or doing a lot of ridiculous and useless stuff like mailing yourself your manuscripts so you can prove authorship timelines and such (or maybe, like me, you’re just lonely and like mailing yourself stuff).

But how prevalent is being screwed over by a publisher? In my narrow experience, not very.

Commence Screwage

Now, I should note in very firm language that this is my personal experience as a writer; I’m not saying people have not been and will not ever be screwed over by publishers. That shit does happen, and when it happens to a writer it can be anything from mildly annoying to outright devastating, depending on how much money is involved and how it impacts their career otherwise.

All I’m saying is that in my personal experience most publishers aren’t out to screw you. Sure, they will send you a contract that’s weighted in their favor. And by design publishing endeavors to avoid paying the author monies owed for as long as possible. But if you’re working with a legit publisher and have someone like an agent advising you on the contract, generally speaking you’re good.

The closest I’ve come to being screwed, in fact, was with my first novel, Lifers. My deal there hit the trifecta of asking for trouble:

  1. It was a very small publisher.
  2. I didn’t have an agent or a lawyer review the contract.
  3. I wasn’t terribly proactive.

I was offered a $1,000 advance for Lifers, payable in three installments—upon signing the contract, upon delivering the manuscript, and upon publication. I got the first installment just fine. When I handed in the book, I expected a check for $333 but never got it. When the book published I expected a check for $666 and never got it. This while going through the humiliating motions of filling out sales slips when I hand-sold a copy, because this was 2001 and the Internet was still a work of science fiction according to most publishers.

Long story short, I’d ordered a bunch of author copies of my novel, which the publisher charged against my account, meaning I ate up much of my advance that way. Still, years later my wife spent an inordinate amount of time on the phone battling for royalties and whatever else might be owed, and three years later I did indeed get a check for $255.

How can you avoid getting screwed over? You can’t, not totally, but you can minimize the risk by following some basics:

1. Always have you contracts reviewed by someone knowledgeable—an agent, a review specialist, an attorney who specializes in publishing deals.

2. Follow up on payments. The second they’re late, get on the phone and hit the email. Often when companies are going down there’s a limited amount of dosh to plug holes with, and the first person to complain gets the check.

3. Be wary of Kickstarter projects or similarly funded projects. Everyone might mean well, but if you don’t have the money to set up your publishing empire properly, the chances your writers get paid is exponentially lower.

4. Remind yourself that your work has value and you deserve to be paid.

The bottom line is, publishing is not some complex confidence game designed to scam you out of your hard-won money, so don’t get paranoid. On the other hand, publishing is often run by the same incompetent types who run everything else, so do be careful. Plus, as I can attest, there is a lot of drinking in the publishing world. A lot.

Tyspo Sunt Undique

This topic was suggested by Jon Gawne.

There’s a prevalent theory among some folks that typos—those tiny mistakes you make while typing your genius fictions or your skillful cover letters and queries—are dealbreakers, in the sense that any self-respecting agent or publisher will immediately direct your work to the trash if they note a single instance. The general idea being that a level of superhuman competence is required if you want to be a writer.

This is not true. I know it’s not true because I am one of the least competent people in the world, and my work tends to be riddled with mistakes and typos.

The Riddler (See What I Did There)

The first novel I technically sold (though there was no money and it never actually published, but contracts were signed) was sent out lacking a half dozen pages, and yet still managed to gain someone’s interest. Even today, when I am a Titan of the literary world, my agent mocks me on a regular basis for the typos in my manuscripts, letters, emails, and social media. And yet it hasn’t slowed me down a bit, because there are these wonderful people called Copy Editors. And yes, you need one.

What it boils down to is simple: You as the writer don’t need to be perfect. You need to have a manuscript and communications that don’t look like a drunk illiterate wrote them—but they don’t have to be perfect. Using “its” when you mean “it’s” once in a 500-page manuscript isn’t going to disqualify you. Heck, having dozens of typos won’t disqualify you, as long as they’re clearly oversights and not representative of a writer whose language skills are theoretical at best.

The Humorless

Will you possibly run into an editor, agent, or other literary personage who will reject you for a typo? Sure, and fuck ?em. While everyone has a right to run their shop along any standards they wish—and while I will stipulate that there’s a difference between the occasional typo and a manuscript that’s obviously not worth reading because of the lack of care or understanding involved in its writing—if you’re going to reject my work because of a misplaced comma, or a misspelled word, or that time I passed out while revising and didn’t notice I’d pasted in 6,000 words of a non-fiction article I was working on, then I probably don’t want to work with you anyway. Because I will have typos, and make mistakes, and accidentally send you a version of the story that’s 3 years old.

I want partners. Publishing a novel or a short story isn’t like accepting a minimum-wage job or something, it’s a collaboration. Part of that is copy-editing and proofreading to clean up my rough edges, and I want to work with people who have a sense of humor—and perspective.

What to Do When a Vengeful Universe Robs You

This topic was suggested by Jon Gawne.

Writers, by and large, are simple creatures who live their lives according to a collection of old wives’ tales and myths, including a firm belief that you can turn magical thinking into a paying career and a firm belief that writing is a paying career. Ah, such innocence!

Another cherished belief many writers have is that their ideas are somehow wholly unique and original. I am reminded, ironically, of Paul McCartney’s story about writing the famous song Yesterday. He says the melody came to him and he was convinced he must have heard it somewhere else and nicked it unconsciously (something that would bite bandmate George Harrison in the ass years later) because it was too good. Only after spending months humming it to people and asking if they could identify it did he finally accept that he’d come up with it.

Writers should never do that with novel ideas, because if you’re looking for prior work that has more or less the same idea, you will almost certainly find it. Because there are no new ideas.

The President’s Dead!

A few years ago I wrote a novel about the designated survivor during the State of the Union Address—the member of the cabinet who is secured someplace just in case the entire line of succession is murdered in a terrorist attack or something. It was called Designated Survivor, which is also the title—and premise—of a TV show. To be fair, it wasn’t exactly a new idea when I wrote the novel, and my treatment of the premise went in a weirdo SF direction.

Still, the TV show kind of kills any hope I might have had of publishing the novel. This stuff happens, though, because ideas are constantly being recycled, and half the battle in publishing is timing. What do you do if you’ve been working on a novel and suddenly someone else publishes something with a similar premise? Here are your steps to work through:

  1. DON’T imagine they somehow stole your idea. Put down your phone and step away from the lawyers, because your idea just isn’t that unique. Trust me on this.
  2. DO keep working on the story if you’re still excited about it. You might find ways to twist things and set it apart from your new competition, and even if you don’t, you’ll enjoy finishing the story and maybe learn something.
  3. DON’T start pestering the other party on social media about stealing your ideas. Also, don’t mention how you had the same idea years earlier at every goddamn party and gathering, because trust me: No one cares.
  4. DO chalk it up to the fundamental perversion of the universe, hit control-N, and start writing something new.

That’s it. This shit happens, there’s no defense, and you can’t do anything about it. Well, that’s not 100% true—if you write a version of that idea that is so wildly better done than any other version, you might yet sell it. Accept that challenge or move on to your next idea. It’s that simple.