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The Secret to Writing is Overconfidence

About ten years ago, I started playing guitar. I’d always wanted to learn, beginning back in high school when it was still the ultimate in cool. But I am a very lazy person, and the costs in terms of time and money turned into one of those things that I never got around to. And even when I came into possession of a cheap, hand-me-down acoustic guitar I didn’t do anything serious with it, because the idea of actually engaging a tutor to learn seemed like an impossible social leap, and the Internet did not quite exist back then so there wasn’t a guitar channel on Youtube to do some self-learning.

After hearing me whine about this, The Duchess finally bought me some lessons and forced me to go, and it was awesome. I actually learned to play! And then, because of who I am, I decided I wanted to start composing and writing songs. I downloaded some software and bought some equipment, and set up my own little desktop studio, complete with drum apps and midi keyboards, and I began making music.

Terrible, horrible music.

Beginner’s Crap

Look, any time you start a new activity or discipline, you’re bound to suck. No one just picks up a guitar and understands instinctively how to shred. It’s the same with writing, really—your early efforts are going to suck with a capital ‘S.’

But when I recorded my first recognizable song, I wasn’t depressed because it sucked. I wasn’t aware that it sucked, at least not on one level. On another, very sober level, sure, I knew it was awful. But there was a part of me that was just so jazzed that I’d done it, that I’d created a song, a composition, all on my own, that I was super excited about it.

It’s the same with writing. That first story maybe sucked, but I wrote it anyway, and I was so excited to have finished a story I didn’t dwell on whether it was any good or not. I kind just assumed it was good and moved on to the next story.

That last bit is the key—the insane overconfidence that makes you think that the thing you just wrote is actually awesome, even if it is objectively not. Years later, you might come across that story and realize with dawning horror that it is, in fact, terrible. But that’s something for Future You to deal with. In the present, the key to creating is to just assume what you’re doing is great and worry about making that conform to reality later.

Everyone’s first attempts suck. It’s okay. And yes, sometimes your later attempts suck, too.

The Antagonist Slow Burn

Writing a story is all about balance. You have to provide the reader with character backstories, world-building, a plot, and a clear protagonist who has a clear goal that is obstructed by a clear antagonist. Okay, maybe it doesn’t have to that clear—some writers make a beautiful meal out of subtlety and uncertainty—but in general you have to give your reader something to hang onto, a relatively clear path to follow.

For a lot of writers, they take that to mean they have to establish the protagonist/antagonist dynamic very early on and then structure the plot immediately around that conflict. Like, if your hero is introduced in Chapter 1, your villain has to show up in Chapter 2 and there has to be a clear conflict between them right away.

This isn’t true, though. In fact, it’s perfectly okay to obfuscate your central conflict, and it’s perfectly okay to take your time defining the protagonist/antagonist relationship—or to even change it in the middle.

The Hate You Give

There isn’t any rule that says you have to set up your central conflict right away. I’ve started re-watching Deadwood in anticipation of the film they’re finally releasing, offering fans some much-desired closure after all these years. And what’s interesting is that exactly none of the central conflicts that will come to define the series are set up in the first episode in any but the smallest of ways. There are lower-case ?c’ conflicts there, but none of the main-event conflicts, and you’d be hard pressed to put your thumb on who, exactly, the antagonist or protagonist is going to be.

There’s a lesson there. Letting your characters and setting breathe a bit, trusting your readers to find interesting what you find interesting about your universe—these are good instincts. Rushing into declaring a thumb war between two characters just because you feel under pressure to get your conflict set up is bad writing, or at least it often is. Can you make the argument that many novels are successful because they don’t waste time setting up the conflict and the protagonist and antagonist? Sure! Of course. As I’ve often said, there are no rules. All that matters is that you can pull off what you seek to achieve.

The point is, don’t put artificial pressure on yourself to gin up a conflict. It’s okay to take your time, and it’s okay to bury that lede a little—just have a plan. Having a plan is pretty much the answer to every writing problem out there, just like two fingers of whiskey is the answer to just about every personal problem I’ve ever had.

Shots to The Heart, and I’m to Blame

You might be surprised to read this, friend, but I was not always friends with alcohol. Oh, I always wanted to be friends with alcohol, but it took me a long time to find my way in. Much of my wasted youth was spent fighting with alcohol, because I hadn’t yet found my true calling within it (whiskey). There were many evenings wasted drinking lite beer and other, worser things. Worser than lite beer? It’s possible. You just have to dig down into the Jagermeister-level stuff.

The Golden Road

Today I stand before you a disciple in the Church of Whiskey. Sure, I’ll drink anything, especially if it’s free, but whiskey is my first and dearest love. When I was a callow young man, though, I hadn’t yet figured this out, so I experimented, and almost killed all of my friends (and myself) in the process.

See, I knew there was a whole universe of booze out there I hadn’t yet figured out, and I craved that knowledge. I wanted to be that guy who walks into a swanky bar and just orders something very sophisticated and cool, but I was stuck ordering Coors Lite. Once when I was twenty-three and feeling saucy I ordered a Depth Charge without really understanding what is was, and things went … poorly. So I decided I would have to do some research, and I further decided I would do that research via parties that I threw.

This was a mistake.

Party the First: Ti Many Martoonis. My first foray into cocktails was a Martini party. Martinis seem inherently cool. First, the James Bond thing. Second, the sleekness of the drink: Two ingredients, unless you count the olive and possibly the olive juice for a Dirty Martini. It just screamed the sort of drink that grown-ups swilled while discussing, I don’t know, escrow and the Cold War. So I invited everyone over for a Martini party and grabbed some recipes for Martinis from the Internet. I think I had a Dirty Martini, a Chocolate Martini, a classic, and I had some gin on the side just in case some communists showed up and didn’t want vodka.

I woke up on party day sick as a dog. Like, seriously ill. I should have canceled the party and focused on making a last will and testament, but in what may be the worst example of trying an attempted mind over matter, I decided not to cancel. So a couple dozen people showed up, and I mixed up Martinis while on the verge of throwing up for several hours. At one point I actually retired to another room to lie down, because I thought I was about to die.

To this day I can’t abide Martinis or vodka. Or, ironically since it’s a mainstay of the Avery Cates universe, gin.

To say that the Martini experiment was a disaster is being kind to disasters. Although the bitter taste of humiliation saved me, I think, from being lured into a life of vodka-swilling, and thank god. Did my friends all wisely ghost me and refuse all future invitations? They did not. At least, not then. Since then? Sure, I haven’t seen anyone in ages.

The New Year’s Eve Shots Massacree. My next stab at alcohol sophistication came a while later, when I decided to hijack a friend’s NYE party in order to mix up a variety of fanciful shots. Shots are only acceptable when you’re young, in my opinion; the combination of Challenge Accepted! Syndrome and the obvious goal of not actually enjoying what you’re consuming is very on-brand for being young and stupid. And I was very young and very stupid.

My shot menu was disgusting. There was a Bubblegum Shot, which I can tell you right now was both extraordinarily accurate in terms of taste and extraordinarily horrifying in terms of basic human decency. There was also that time-honored Basic Bitch of shots, the Kamikaze. After that things get hazy, because even when you’re young and stupid shots are never meant to be the focus. For god’s sake, they’re designed to get you quickly inebriated so you can then slow down and enjoy yourself.

We … did not do that. The end of the evening looked like a zombie apocalypse movie. To this day I can still taste that Bubblegum shot, and my stomach flips when I think about it.

Did all these terrifying experiences drive me to the homely, Deadwood-esque simplicity of whiskey? Damn right it did. It also serves as the figurative slave leaning in behind me and whispering ‘remember, you are mortal’ every time I walk into a bar and decide that tonight is the night I give Dylan Thomas a run for his money. Because every time I think about drinking a bit too much, I taste bubblegum.

Curious Fictions

So! A few days ago I added a short story to Curious Fictions. This is the 7th story I’ve added there, but this one is a bit different: It’s previously unpublished. As in, you’ve never seen it anywhere. Oh, full disclosure: I did post it on this wee blog a few years ago, but none of you read it. If you want to read it now, you’ll have to subscribe to me on CF.

Subscriptions at CF start at $2, and I do get a cut of that. I figure what I’ll do going forward is I’ll add one or two stories there every month. A few might be put up for free (I have 6 other stories there that you can read for free if you want!) but most will be subscriber-only. A man has whiskey to purchase, after all.

These will be unpublished stories – stories I failed to sell, stories I thought were too weird to sell, stories I like for inexplicable reasons. If you dig my fiction in general, I think this might be worth $2 to you. Or $5. Or $10. Or maybe you’d like to come to my house and pour whiskey directly into my mouth? I am okay with that.

Check me out.

Embrace the Suck

It’s an absolute truth that first drafts in general suck, whether we’re talking about the first draft of a single line or the first draft of an entire novel. First stabs are rarely polished and sensible, and are frequently so awful as to be the basis of scientific proof that you cannot and should not write.

The Electric Church was my second published novel, and both my third and 17th completed novel (the first draft was my third novel, but the version eventually published 14 years later had a lot of water under the bridge and so was really a wholly separate novel). And believe me, all that work was necessary—and I’m saying that as a guy who generally likes his first drafts. The fact is, first attempts are often terrible, because you’re feeling your way through the darkness—you don’t yet know what’s going to work. There’s a lot of daylight between theory and practice—in your head, some literary technique or trick might work, but when you try to put it to paper it all falls apart.

This can be a low point for a writer. You have a great idea, you start to work on it, and then you realize it’s not working. It might, in fact, be terrible. The real trick here is to be okay with that. The trick is to embrace the suck.

The Only Way Out is Forward

The hardest thing to do is realize that your work isn’t great but keep going. Embracing the suck isn’t just about understanding that early efforts are often ragged and imperfect. The real secret is to resist the urge to toss everything you’ve done and start over, because that’s the recipe for never finishing a project. It’s perfectly reasonable to want to toss everything into a garbage can and set it on fire when you realize your work sucks, but the legit secret to making progress is to resist that urge.

The trick is, revise, don’t restart. If you’re someone who gets frustrated the moment your prose isn’t 100% pure gold, if you get stuck re-writing the first sentence a thousand times, if you abandon projects at the halfway point because they’re not what you imagined initially you’re going to struggle to finish anything, because the way you get that prose as close to perfect as possible is to finish a draft, then go back to the beginning and polish. And then repeat.

Full disclosure: As noted above, I’m not much of a reviser. I tend to like my drafts—but I do revise. My revision efforts tend to be pretty focused; while I like 75% of my draft, the 25% I don’t love is usually threaded throughout the whole thing, and I address it. If I have a section in the middle of a chapter that is obviously not working, I don’t just toss the whole chapter or novel out—I struggle through it and leave it behind. Then I go back and work on it.

Of course, some writers do restart every time they drift from the mark, and they also produce plenty of publishable material. That last part is the key—are you finishing stuff? Do you have polished, publication-ready material at the end of the day? If yes, you can ignore this. You do you. If no—ask yourself if you need to lower the bar for a first pass.

I apply this to liquor as well, of course. Sometimes you order a dank beer that is absolutely awful, and some people give up and order something else. I push through. In other words, I am the hero in this situation.


In the wake of this ridiculous and infuriating scandal concerning rich, famous people spending huge amounts of money to get their shiftless, dead-eyed children into top schools via an array of Benny Hill-level ruses, I am of course moved to ponder my own college experience. Which was largely uneventful; I wasn’t particularly interested in college, certain as I was that I would soon be a famous cult writer raking in millions from devoted fans, but I went because my parents made it clear that my alternatives all involved uniforms and asking people if they wanted fries with that.

I diligently did the applications, essays, and interviews, and got into some pretty decent schools, but wound up going to Rutgers for the in-state tuition and relative nearness of home, because I am lazy and timid. I also arranged to room with a kid from my high school, which meant my entire Freshman Year was essentially a waste of time, because all we did was delve into an ever-deeper simulated universe of our own making. We stayed in our room, made hilarious recordings to send home to our friends, and had deep conversations. We did not really attend many classes.

Yes, I was an asshole.

I don’t want to talk about grades or the socioeconomics of higher education or the fact that bachelor’s degrees in non-STEM fields are pretty much just coupons for entry-level jobs because they demonstrate you can wake up, hold to a schedule, and perform soul-killing tasks with aplomb.

No, I want to talk about Manhunt.

The Least Dangerous Game

You know: Manhunt. That slightly more mature version of Hide and Seek that adds an element of fascism and mob mentality to keep things exciting: One person starts off as ?it,’ the others hide. When It finds you, you also become ?It’ until it’s everyone hunting for the last person.

Old friends from high school visited one day in the fall, and since we were on an isolated campus with no alcohol or anything to do (and this was before Internet, people. Before. Internet.) we decided to go to the golf course on campus at night and play a game of Manhunt. In theory, this was a madcap, kooky thing to do—we had to register for the draft, and here we are playing a kids’ game! WE’RE HILARIOUS—and in practice it was, you know, kind of fun. Until we lost someone.

We kicked the game off: Someone started off as ?It’ and the rest of us scattered while they closed their eyes and counted. Some of us had clever ideas, like climbing trees, and some just relied on the shadows and terrain. One by one we were all caught … except one guy. Let’s call him Hanzo.

Hanzo was nowhere to be found. For a while this was exciting—Hanzo had found the greatest hiding spot of all time! Then it became boring. Then it became worrying. We gave up on the game and started shouting Hanzo! MANHUNT is OVER!

But Hanzo would not emerge from his hiding place. We began to hate Hanzo. He was ruining our night—possibly, if he was found facedown in a pond or something, our entire lives. Despite this reasonable fear we put in about an hour of searching and then returned to the dorms … where Hanzo was hanging out with another friend of ours, eating chips and watching TV. He’d gotten bored because of his hiding skilz, and simply wandered home.

We collectively chose to not speak to Hanzo for the rest of the evening. He now claims not to remember the incident.

What’s the point? Just that I was both an asshole and an idiot when I was in college. All I can say is, thank goodness Instagram didn’t exist.

The Umbrella Academy and Planned Obsolescence

So, I watched season one of The Umbrella Academy. I’d never read the comics, and so went in pretty cold, aside from knowing that the lead singer of My Chemical Romance wrote the original comic stories. And it’s a pretty fun series if you’re into superhero stories!

It’s also a great place to discuss a specific writing challenge that comes with superheroes, which goes like this: Just as we’re all dying from the moment we’re born, every super-powered character has to be neutered at some point the moment you create them.

With Great Power Comes an Equal and Opposite Power

The problem is obvious, right? When you have a character who has an incredible power, they can slice through plot problems. In The Umbrella Academy, the kids all have powers, but one character is a cut above: Allison, who can make people do anything she wants by saying I heard a rumor. That’s a pretty potent power; after all, she can stop the villain at any time simply by whispering in their ear.

And so, the moment she’s created, she has to be smothered, or else nothing makes sense. When you create a hyper-powerful character you have two basic choices: One, you can neuter them somehow. Two, you can create a villain that is equally powerful. That’s it, and they both have problems.

In The Umbrella Academy, they chose option one. SPOILERS: They were clever about it in the bulk of the series; Allison is guilty about using her power throughout her life to get what she wants, and super guilty because she used it on her own daughter to get her to go to sleep. That’s a believable motivation for not using your godlike powers every five minutes. Later, when the true adversary is revealed and Allison must as a character start unleashing her power, however, they have to stop it or the story ends with one episode to go as Allison just says I heard a rumor you’re gonna take a five-year nap and that’s it. So they injure her vocal chords, essentially rendering her immaterial to the story, which kind of sucks.

Option two is also kind of boring, because when your villain has the same abilities and powers it turns into a slugfest. A boring trading of blows that amounts to two drunk guys having a fist fight in the parking lot of a 7-11.

So what’s the solution? Frankly, the solution is to not play the game. Don’t create a character whose powers are so incredible they can solve any plot problem you throw at them. Give their power a flaw, or a limitation, or a steep price to be paid. This way you can avoid having a mind-controller character who literally controls zero minds during the big final battle in your story.

The Beautiful Solitude of Writing

Like a lot of folks, I’m a broadly creative kind of person—I just like making shit up, in a wide variety of media. The fun of making stuff doesn’t necessarily require talent; I make videos and music and sad, misshapen things around the house using editing, composition, and carpentry skills that run the gamut from mediocre to nonexistent, but I don’t worry about the end result much. I just enjoy making stuff.

So, one reason I’m a writer instead of a musician or a furniture-maker is the fact that I’m good at writing, whereas I am … not good at those other things. I might enjoy making music, but I’m not good at it, and that’s okay.

But you know what, there’s another reason I write instead of some other creative expression: The lack of collaboration.

Me Myself and I

To put it bluntly, I hate working with other people. I hate having to offer up my ideas before I’ve polished them, and I hate having to fight and push to get things the way I want them. I fully recognize that this process of having to defend your ideas is healthy, and often results in better work. When you’re forced to defend every idea, you have to up your game.

But I don’t enjoy it, so I don’t do it.

The great part about writing is, you don’t need other people. Or special equipment. Or software skills. All you need is a writing implement and some ideas. That’s awesome. Even if I had some special talent aside from writing—which, it’s worth repeating, I do not—writing would attract me because it’s so old school you can literally do it with a piece of charcoal and a rock. Nothing gets in the way—not screens, power failures, or the annoying tendency of people to have feedback and alternative takes.

Of course, the real epiphany always comes late in the essay: The fact is, the collaboration comes in the writing game, it’s just kicked down the line. Because once you convince someone to represent or buy your work, the notes come. The edit letters. The comments in the margin. The tracked changes. Whether I like it or not, selling your work usually means opening yourself up to collaboration.

But, there’s a crucial difference. When I am forced to collaborate later in the process, I’ve sold the damn thing. I have a fair amount of confidence that it’s pretty good. Which not only makes the act of having to interact with other people (shudder) much easier, it makes it much easier to push back on feedback and take a stand on the intention behind your writing choices.

Of course, my other secret weapon is my social awkwardness and charming personality, which combine to ensure that no one wants to collaborate with me twice.

Lenses So Thick You Can See the Future!

I’ve worn glasses since I was a wee lad. When I first got glasses, my father, bless his heart, was convinced I was going to suddenly become Babe Ruth on the Little League field, where up until that point I was a bit more Mario Mendoza. His childlike faith that glasses were going to transform me into a star athlete still warms me today. Ah, Dad, you fool.

So I’ve been wearing glasses for most of my life—in fact, I really can’t recall a time in my life when I could see clearly without them, a time when I didn’t wear glasses. I don’t recognize myself in mirrors without them, frankly. Contacts? Jebus, the thought of jamming something into my eye is terrifying. Plus also I am incompetent and there is absolutely zero doubt that I would wind up with contact lenses embedded in my brain.

Trust me.

The Price of Incompetence

I was initially told I needed glasses to see the board in class, and so I didn’t have to wear them all the time. Now these first glasses—let’s call them Lenses Mark One—were huge. I mean, huge. Like, they were twice the size of my face, and the lenses seemed thick enough to offer views of the future, or possibly to protect my eyes from laser attacks. Like, they were big.

And expensive, relatively speaking. By this point in my existence I think it’s fair to say I’d become much more expensive than either of my parents had ever imagined possible, and the glasses were just one more insult. I mean, I was nine years old and already breaking down physically. Where would it end? Very likely in an iron lung, or perhaps a plastic bubble costing millions of dollars.

Anyway, the glasses were huge and so I only wore them when necessary, furtively slipping them on when I absolutely had to glean some information from the blackboard. Otherwise they went into my shirt pocket, and it took me about six days to lose them.

I thought my mother was going to have a stroke. Another pair of glasses was procured, and my parents sat me down and offered a rundown of my relative value when compared to the glasses, which was not in my favor. So I started wearing my glasses all the time, in terror.

True Grit

This did solve the problem of my general incompetence as it intersected my glasses, and I did manage to never lose a pair of glasses again, because, as noted above, I can’t even imagine living without a pair on my face. However, true incompetence, such as the kind I enjoy, is never defeated. It is only temporarily stymied, and although it took twenty years I did manage to cost myself another pair.

I took it upon my self to do some repair work in my mother’s basement, working with some concrete and such. I’d just gotten new glasses, and twenty years of wearing them had burned in some behaviors. Friends used to mimic my patented three-part nervous habit of cleaning my glasses, off my baseball cap, and running a hand through my hair. I did this about five times an hour, so while I was working with cement and sweat and dust in my mother’s basement, wearing my new glasses, I cleaned them regularly … using my concrete-encrusted shirt. By the end of the day I couldn’t understand why my vision was so blurry.

As I forked over the money for a new pair, I thought I could hear my dear departed father chuckling somewhere, toasting his son, the idiot.

Sometimes it’s weird to think I’ll be wearing glasses for the rest of my life … but no one who comes across my bones will know. The good news is that since I’m convinced the rest of you are figments of my imagination who only exist to amuse me, all I need to do to make you all go away is take off my glasses. Problem solved.

Everybody Poops but Nobody Poops Quite As Much As My Cats

The other day I woke up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and discovered that one of the cats had gone into the shower at some point and taken a huge grumpy crap on the floor. Now, if you live with animals you no doubt have had this exact experience—let’s face it, no matter what kind of animal you choose to invite into your home, chances are very, very high that they will take a dump inside the house at some point. And heck, with cats you more or less expect them to shit in the house! It’s kind of the whole point. So it’s hard to get too upset when they occasionally send a message via their bowel movements.

Of course, this prompted an immediate DefCon 5 cleanup of the shower, but I didn’t get too upset. My wife, The Duchess, and I lived through the Mad Pooper, after all.

The Mad Pooper What Poops at Midnight and At All Other Times

The Mad Pooper episode was a couple of years ago, now, and it is exactly what you think: One of our cute little cats began crapping all over the house. Again, if you have cats, this is going to happen from time to time, so we didn’t panic at first. A poop once in a blue moon is nothing to get excited about.

But it happened again, and again. When we found a dookie in our bed one morning, we knew something had to be done. The Mad Pooper had to be unmasked and taken into the Vet for a checkup, and possibly sold to cat traffickers. I’m just kidding about that, but the Mad Pooper was definitely getting under our skin. We were even starting to look at each other with some side-eye, trying to decide if it was at all possible that one of us was the culprit in the strangest case of marital passive aggressiveness ever.

In the end, the Mad Pooper chose to reveal herself: Our cat Coco, who is about eight pounds and moves with the sort of deliberate slowness indicative of either great wisdom or great stupidity, walked into the bathroom one day, looked at us, and proceeded to crap right on the rug while maintaining eye contact. It was terrifying. We got her checked out, bought another litter box, and the Mad Pooper was no more.

The Hygiene of Homer

Since then, we acquired a new tenant in the form of Homer, who started off life as an adorable little nubbin and then swole into a being we refer to in hushed tones as The Junkyard Cat. Homer is just a regular cat in many ways, but not all ways. For one thing, he reacts to any kind of unexpected situation with hissing and scratching, and then returns five seconds later with a hangdog expression that definitely implies you should never ever startle poor Homer again.

For another, he is the dirtiest cat imaginable.

Inasmuch as I contemplate the act of going to the bathroom beyond my own necessities, I assume it to be one of those simple natural functions that nature has more or less perfected. And yet Homer emerges from the little box looking like someone tried to mug him. He is always covered in litter and his own excretions, and I am not making this up.

And yes, this means that if you have ever shaken my hand, you have basically touched Homer’s butt.

Homer does make sad, futile attempts to groom himself, but there’s something missing, and so he spends much of his time moping about with a general expression of Eyeore on his face while his hindquarters resemble an industrial accident. There’s nothing physically wrong with Homer; one assumes it is the lack of a parental influence when he was a kitten. Or possibly a simmering hatred of us all that he expresses in an unusual and disgusting manner.

All this to say that a mere pile of poop in my shower does not phase me. At least it doesn’t as long as I can remember where I was and how much I drank the night before.