Interview with Little Old Me

Eric over at Flames Rising has posted a neat little interview he conducted with me recently:

The telltale influences question, the mark of every bad interviewer but here we go anyway: who are they for you and why?

A kid named Corey, who taught me to drink Blackberry brandy when I was about twelve. Ramon, who taught me who to hotwire – wait a sec, you mean literary influences, don’t you?

Check it out. Then buy 10 copies of The Terminal State. Go, do it. Now.


  1. Pingback: New Interview …

  2. Elisabeth Black

    I just noticed your bloggy icon is a bottle of whiskey? It made me snorfle a little bit.

  3. jsomers (Post author)

    Beth: Is it? I don’t even remember doing that myself!

  4. Shayral

    Jsomers: I heard about alcohol taking over people’s lives but this is going too far!

    Dear god, it starts with a mere favicon.ico, but where will it end? How long before we read from “Said innebriated old furious one”??

  5. jsomers (Post author)

    Shayral: Not long. Probably tomorrow.

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