God Love The Internets

Various and sundry mentions of my books served up to me by Google Alerts, god bless ’em:

1. Thomas Jarrett over at Suite101 names The Electric Church as one of “Five of the Best Books You Should’ve Read“:

“Science Fiction needs more writers like Jeff Somers … If you enjoy fast action against overwhelming odds, this is one of the best books you could read.”

2. Niki Bruce reviews The Terminal State and likes it. A lot:

“Somers’ version of the future is one to be wary of, true, but it’s as entertaining as hell and Avery Cates is one of those characters that you just know could go on forever. Here’s hoping.”

3. Finally, The Terminal State was voted #43 on the SFcrowsnest Fantasy, Horror and Science Fiction Books Chart! Jebus, we are in some fine company on that list.

And there you have, a Sunday for the ages. And now, time for a celebratory nip of the good stuff.


  1. Sarah W


    There’s something poetic about Thomas the Unbeliever, the Devil’s Dictionary, and the Electric Church being on the same list.

  2. Elisabeth Black

    Go Jeff! I’m so pleased for you.

  3. jsomers (Post author)

    Sarah: Thankee! Yeah, that’s some kickass company.

  4. jsomers (Post author)

    Beth: Thanks!

  5. Thomas Jarrett

    This… this just made my week. You’ve made this scribbler very happy!

    I’d like to add that I hope one day I can publish something half as exciting and enjoyable as your Avery Cates books. God bless you, sir!

  6. jsomers (Post author)

    Hey Thomas: Cheers! Thanks for recognizing my genius! Er, I mean, thanks for reading the books and enjoying them so much. And for posting about ’em!


  7. Lunch

    Is a celebratory nip of the good stuff any different from the usual nips?

  8. Ray

    The good stuff??
    Ummm. You didn’t share and ummm…should!
    Wait. What is “The good stuff”? Not that paint thinner Gin Avery drinks is it?
    Regardless congrads Jeff! It always gives me a giddy feeling when talented artist is recognized!

  9. jsomers (Post author)

    Lunch – nope, but don’t tell anyone.

  10. jsomers (Post author)

    Thanks, Ray! And I never touch gin. Nasty stuff. Belongs in fiction.

  11. Mconge

    It doesn’t suprise me. I have been an avid reader for over thirty years and your Avery Cates series blew me away. I am anxiously awaiting the next in the series and look forward to seeing Avery on the big screen one day. Thanks for your hard work and dedication to one of the best series ever written. How about a belt of Woodford Reserve, neat of course, for your accomplishments.

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