Everybody’s Talkin’ ‘Bout Me

For some reason there is a lot of me out there on the Intarwebs today. Allow me to point me out to you, okay?

  • Someone has somehow managed to shoehorn me into the origins of blogging itself. Why has no one else though to do this? Not that I actually claim any credit just because I’ve been self-publishing a zine since 1995, but why hasn’t anyone tried to float me as the inspiration of, well, just about anything cool? This is right up there with my lack of a Wikipedia page. You’re all failing me. What we need to do is 1) start my Wikipedia page; 2) say something ridiculous, like “Jeff Somers invented the Internet” or “Jeff Somers woke up one morning and wrote out the C Programming language on a yellow pad.”; 3) Let a newspaper quote the Wikipedia article with the fakery; 4) When Wikipedia’s Sorcerers try to delete the fakery, we show them an outside source – the very newspaper that quoted from us!; 5) Profit!
  • Dawn over at Officially Twisted seems to like The Digital Plague a little bit. She obviously has great taste.

Okay, okay – 2 mentions, perhaps, is not ‘a lot’. But they’re lengthy, thoughtful mentions, so there.


  1. Mark Dykeman

    It was rough going and took some pushing but, yeah, I shoehorned you in there somewhere. And all because I was bored on a weekend away from home about four years ago, which was four years after you wrote the issue of Inner Swine that I bought. Which then sat around my house for (guess it) four years until two stray neurons collided and I thought, hm, the one seems a lot like the other.

    If you show up in Wikipedia, I will disavow all knowledge. Ahem.


  2. jsomers




  3. Ja'Michael Bush

    I sent you an email after i did it, but I’ll post it here too. I created a wiki for you, the emails more detailed, from Jbushja@gmail.com

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