Coffee Dystopia

The Duchess is running a half marathon in Jersey City today, so I am sitting in a Starbucks fine-tuning a manuscript and waiting for her to finish up so I can cheer her at the Finish and go home. And man, Starbucks is a horrible, horrible place. It’s been a long while since I’ve been in one, drinking their bitter, over-roasted coffee and listening to their bland, corporate soft-rock music. And I actually had to use the word venti <shiver> (which, thank goodness, WordPress’ spellcheck flags). I’ll need a shower when I get home. Just wanted to share that.


  1. Diamat

    Our days have been the same in every respect, excepting the fact that I haven’t been to the satanic SBs, and I have been, variously, to a sheepdog trial, rickety old cinema (licensed – result!) to see a load of remastered wonky footage of ‘olde’ (1897 onwards) footage of West Sussex, and the Ship and Anchor in Ford.

    You need to mouthwash with you-know-what. I’m off to gargle with Laphroaig Quarter Cask.

    Props to D.! Ice packs and giganticus Diet Coke at the ready, I trust?

  2. jsomers (Post author)

    I have a nice bottle of Longmorn D got me as a gift glowing downstairs, calling to me. Gargling will commence shortly. And thankfully, I don’t get forced into SB often, although my taste in coffee–like my taste in just about everything–is fairly plebian.

    Hi to L, please!


  3. Caren

    Just saw you mentioning your blog in the new Inner Swine! You say that when your book becomes a movie, you’re going to become “500 pounds of undulating, glistening flesh…” There’s already one Jersey-based writer who did that with his movie money. Come to think of it, my hubby and I encountered you and the Dutchess at one of his films last year, Clerks II. But the various pointing sticks are true genius.

    Anyway, great issue! Two short stories, wow. The hubby and I will probably go to the baseball museum next year. He’s a Mets fan.

  4. jsomers (Post author)

    Hey Caren,

    Thanks for your support of my physical goals. I know that with your help, I can get there. Just leave pizzas on the doorstep if you don’t mind.

    Thanks for reading, and glad you liked the issue. We aims to please.


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