
Just because It’s Real Doesn’t Make it Good

Most writers pursue verisimilitude, that magic effect that sparks suspension of disbelief and gets your reader on board with the lies you’re slinging. Sometimes it’s effortless, sometimes it requires a lot of heavy lifting, but once you achieve it you can take your story—and your reader—just about anywhere.

One major mistake writers make is assuming—wrongly—that if aspects of your story really happened you don’t have to work too hard on getting your readers’ buy-in. The logic is simple: No matter how insane a story or detail is, if it actually happened (whether in your direct experience and discovered through old-fashioned research) then it will be believable.

The fact is, things that actually happened are often the hardest aspects of your story to sell a reader.

The Enemy of the Good

This usually has nothing to do with the craziness of the concept. After all, readers are often perfectly willing to accept dragons, genius criminal investigators, and other fantastic literary ingredients without fuss. The problem is the unfounded confidence that a real story gives you, the writer.

Trying to sell the reader on a magical or otherwise fantastic idea? You subconsciously put in the work. You make sure you’ve got the rules worked out. You depict it carefully on the page so the reader buys in. You think through the ripple effects and details, the unintended consequences and the cheats. By the time your reader encounters it on the page, it’s fully-fleshed and able to withstand a good tire-kicking.

With real events, there’s a tendency to be lazy. After all, it really happened, so you don’t have to work so hard. The problem is, your reader doesn’t necessary know it really happened, and you’re (probably) not going to provide them with a link to a reliable source proving that it did. What you end up with is something incredible that feels fictional to the reader, and if you haven’t done the support work to sell it, they won’t buy it.

For example, I once drank sixteen Tequila Fanny Bangers and lived. No, really.

The Short Story Report

As regular readers of this blog (or, you know, old-fashioned stalker-types [waves cheerfully out window]) well know, I’m a big believer in short stories, as art, exercise, and commerce. A lot of writers avoid short stories, for a variety of reasons. Some just don’t like the constraints, preferring to spend their time working on a 5,000,000 page fantasy epic they expect to finish about 35 years after they have died. Some think that short stories don’t pay well enough to be worth the trouble.

Self-promotion is exhausting.

Neither of these folks are wrong, per se, but personally have always found short stories a lot of fun, useful in honing my writing skills, and surprisingly lucrative (sometimes). It’s true that most short story sales will result in token payments that don’t even begin to cover the blood and treasure of your imagination used in its writing. But they actually pay better than you might think. I discuss short stories a lot in my upcoming writing book Writing Without Rules (order 75 copies today!), because I think they’re a fantastic tool for all fiction writers, but here’s the specific breakdown for 2017.

The Numbers

So, every year I write at least 12 new stories (one a month as an exercise), and submit as many as I can to markets. This year I wrote 21 short stories. I submitted 71 stories to markets (note, that isn’t 71 separate stories, it’s a small number of stories submitted to multiple places). I sold 1 new story (Arthur Kill) and saw 4 published (The Kendish Hit, Last Best Day, The Bonus Situation, and Nigsu Ga Tesgu). I earned $1722.95 from short stories in 2017.

Sales-wise and money-wise, not my best year. Publication-wise, much better; any time you see 4 titles in print or digital, it’s not a bad year. By comparison, in 2016 I submitted stories 54 times, sold three, and earned $4,227.52 from short stories. Then again, in 2014 I earned $34.93 from short stories. Every year is a financial adventure when you’re a writer.

The thing about short stories is you never know how long the Long Tail might be. Other writers have made this point, but I’ll echo it: In 2005 I gave a short story to an anthology for $0. Ringing the Changes was chosen to be in Best American Mystery Stories 2006 and ultimately I earned $765 from it. In 2009 I placed the story Sift, Almost Invisible, Through in the MWA anthology Crimes by Moonlight, which paid royalties to the contributors, and earned $620.14 over a few years. These aren’t huge amounts of money, but the point is you never know how long or how well a short story sale might earn out.

Most importantly, of the 21 stories I wrote this year, I think 7 have potential. That’s an unusually high number, actually. Many years I write 10-20 stories and don’t think any of them have legs. So even if I’m fooling myself and only 3 or 4 of the new crop are worth submitting, it’s still a pretty good year, creativity-wise. And since I am always on the look out for signs of mental decline and encroaching decrepitude, this is encouraging.

Unless I’m already disconnected from reality and the new stories are all gibberish. Happy New Year!

New Year Writing Goals

I’m not much for superstitions, and the concept of a New Year falls under that category. I love any excuse to have a little party, of course, but let’s face it: A year is an artificial concept in itself, something we invented in order to keep track of our shit. There’s nothing mystical going on when the calendar flips over to a new number.

Still, there’s a utility to picking a moment to look back and look forward. Did you achieve your literary goals this year, artistically and professionally? What will the goals be next year? This is as good a time as any to consider both areas. I’ll start.

2017: The Writing Year in Review

I’ve been writing professionally for a while now, so my goals tend to be pretty static. I went into 2017 with a few basic goals:

  1. Increase freelance income (always, that Cost of Living increase is no joke)
  2. Sell a book to a publisher
  3. Write 12 new short stories, minimum
  4. Sell a few short stories
  5. Launch an author newsletter
  6. Write 3 new novels

So how’d I do? I did in fact increase my freelance income by about 30% this year, mainly by picking up a new client while maintaining all my old ones. In fact, I’m making more money as a freelance writer than I was when I had a Day Job, which kind of amazes me. I did sell a book—Writing Without Rules will be published by Writer’s Digest Books in May 2018. I wrote my monthly short stories, and actually had a hot streak where three of them are actually pretty good and will be in my submission cycle next year, after a bit of polishing. I sold one new story and saw two others published. I did in fact launch my author newsletter, which is awesome and you should sign up for it pronto.

And I did in fact write 3 new novels, though 2 were reboots of projects I’ve tried to write before (and one of those is being rebooted again), and started 2 others.

So, 2017 goals achieved. My 2018 goals are basically the same. Writing is a long game—instead of concentrating on one project, I just keep my head down. I write. I submit. I talk to my agent and listen to her sage advice. I take the opportunities that come my way and make the best of them.

So what are your writing goals for 2018? The key to achieving them, I think, is simple: Put in the work. There’s no magic spell, and there’s no One Way to publish and sell work. But at the core of the infinite ways people succeed as writers is that one simple rule: Do the work. Write, revise, submit. Repeat.

Happy New Year, folks!

Fix It In Post

I’m not much of a perfectionist. In my personal and professional life I’m kind of a hot mess in many ways, actually; I don’t plan ahead much and like to wing things—I’m the clichéd guy who tosses assembly instructions aside and just begins fitting things together. The end result is either exactly right or wrong in a terrifying or beautiful way.

In writing, I’m also not particularly worried about getting everything just-so. I’m a Pantser, of course, and that’s part of it—Pantser tend to charge ahead without worrying how they’re going to find their way back. But another part of it is just personality: I don’t like to get bogged down in details. I’m big-picture. I’d rather get the general story down on paper and then worry about fixing up the details later.

In other words, I like to fix things in post.

No CGI in Novels, Unfortunately

Some writers are meticulous planners who have every detail figured out before they start writing, but my first drafts tend to be hot messes of changing character names, disappearing characters, plot threads that go nowhere, and the occasional Truck Driver’s Tense Change. In movies, there’s a lot of post-production work that goes into fixing mistakes. Fixing things in “Post” is an accepted part of the process.

Why not apply that to novels? Obviously, all writers do just that—most of us revise our first drafts to some extent before showing them around to people. The trick is to internalize that fact and make it part of your tool chest—in other words, stop worrying about getting things correct as you write. Instead, barrel through and assume you’ll fix things in post—i.e., revision. The end result is a speedier path to a completed first draft, a big-picture story that works on the macro levels. All that will be left is to go back and fix up the micro stuff that you pushed past.

The advantage to this is simple: You’ll have more completed drafts. It’s easier to fix up small problems—even a lot of them—when you have a completed story than it is to stop everything and contemplate each small problem on its own as you encounter it. And the more completed drafts you have, the better chances you have of having something worth selling.

Of course, your mileage may vary. If your manuscript descends into literary madness because of this advice, I have a pocket full of smoke bombs and a bag full of new identities.

The Difference between Craft and Art

Any writer who has struggled to publish or seen their published book’s sales head straight into the crapper has wondered—usually out loud in a drunken slur while pushing their finger into someone’s chest—how it is that so many terrible books get published and sell well while good books, like theirs, languish.

The answers they come up with usually cycle through some common tropes: The reading public has bad taste, publishers allocate marketing and promotion resources unfairly, they’re too good-looking and smart to ever find true success in a suckass world (that last one might be specific to me).

While these things might be true for certain books, it’s worth getting something clear: A book can be well-crafted—and thus 100% publishable and capable of selling well—while being a pretty terrible book. Because craft and art are wholly distinct things.

The Well-Crafted Turd

Every writer has read a popular book and wondered how in the world it’s so successful. Dumb plot, stiff dialogue—we’ve seen it all in some of the biggest-selling books ever written. And yet most of those books are well-crafted, in the sense that the sentences flow, the story lines up, the characters have clear motivations. No matter what bestseller you hold up as an example of a terrible book that does well, you’ll find (if you look at it objectively) that it’s probably pretty well-crafted.

Craft, though, is just the tools and raw materials of the trade used competently. It’s like making a chair: You can learn the basics of woodworking and eventually get to a point where you can make a chair that will function just fine and have a bare minimum of aesthetic appeal. But no one’s going to cheer your work as a reinvention of the form, or ogle the subtleties you brought to the piece.

In the same way, you can learn the fundamentals of telling a story and use those tools properly. The end result will be a novel, and if your craft is up to snuff that novel will probably be publishable even if it isn’t art. No matter how terrible your example of a bad novel might be, it adheres to the basics of good craftsmanship, and that’s why it can sell in the millions to people who don’t care if it’s art, they just want someone to tell them a story, even if it’s a variation on a story they’ve heard before.

Now, all of you people who held up one of my books when I asked about an example of bad books, very funny.

Don’t Show Off

I’ve always thought of myself as a pretty smart guy. Blame my parents, who always treated me like a smart guy. Blame my teachers, who also acted like I was smart. And I did pretty good in school, for a while—until one day I realized that my older brother was actually smarter, and always did better than I did. So I gave up and began exploring ways to get through school without, you know, studying or doing any work.

Still, as my wife The Duchess will attest, secretly I still think of myself as Very Smart and sometimes I can’t resist trying to show off how smart I am. The fact that these showoff moments usually end in humiliation and embarrassment somehow doesn’t deter me from thinking that I’m Very Smart.

That’s okay; my humiliation and embarrassment is entertaining and thus enriches the world. The only time trying to show off becomes a problem for a writer is when you do it in your fiction.

The Answer is Don’t Think About It

Showing off in your writing happens in three basic ways:

1. Research Gore: You spent a hecka lot of time researching something for your book, and goddammmit you’re going to get your dollar’s worth by dropping every. single. bit. of that research into your story, no matter how awkward it makes things.

2. See-What-I-Did There-ism: You’ve spun up one of those perfect plots, filled with surprises and twists and subtleties, but you can’t just let it speak for itself—you have to put a pin on every brilliant thing, having characters break into speeches explaining the trick, or returning to it over and over again to ogle this or that piece of smartness.

3. Encyclopedia Browning: You know a lot of things. You know a lot of interesting things, and like the Worst Guest at a Party Ever you must tell everyone all of your interesting things. So you have your characters speak like Wikipedia Articles, droning on and on about stuff that has nothing to do with the plot in order to drop all these awesome tidbits into the story.

These are all terrible for your story. Dropping interesting stuff into your fiction in natural, smooth ways can be great. Dropping things like anvils into the middle of your story or dialogue is annoying, because it’s like when you have a conversation about something and the other person keeps steering it back to themselves.

You might very well be as smart, well-read, and traveled as you think you are. Just keep reminding yourself that no one is reading your book because you’re interesting. They’re there for the story.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go read the dictionary for a while so I can drop some 50-cent words into my next book. Abra-Adumbrate!

The Elevator Pitch Test

One of the most sobering and terrifying moments for first-time novelists is when their agent or publisher demands a synopsis of their book. Boiling the story down to a very, very short but coherent synopsis is much harder than you might think, and if you polled a room full of writers about their least favorite aspect of professional fiction, the synopsis will absolutely be in the top three.

If you think it’s easy, try it on any novel you’re familiar with. Go on, we’ll wait.

The thing is, the synopsis is a useful tool, and not just for marketing purposes. In fact, one of the best things you can do for any steaming-fresh manuscript is to sit down and try to work out the “elevator pitch” for your plot.

Thirty Seconds to Glory

An Elevator Pitch is a fast, effective, razor-sharp description that can be rattled off in the time it takes for an elevator ride. The basic idea is a salesperson or other employee who finds themselves riding the elevator with their boss or a potential client—they have thirty seconds to pitch them, so they need to have that pitch ready to go, written, practiced, and perfected.

One thing you need to know about the book you just wrote is whether or not the plot works, and unfortunately you’re probably too close to it to truly know the answer to that question. Letting your book sit for a while will help, because time will erode your memory of it and you’ll come back to it a bit fresh, but working up an Elevator Pitch for your plot—basically, writing the plot synopsis long before anyone actually asks you to do so—is even better. It offers up three distinct benefits:

1. It will reveal plot obscurities: If you can’t find a simple way to convey a concept, chances are no one will understand what you did there.

2. It will exposed logical fallacies: Sometimes we’re so intent on getting from Plot Point A to Plot Point C we overlook the fact that Plot Point B makes zero sense—or simply doesn’t exist.

3. It will give you a hint as to the marketability of your book: Even if you don’t care about commercial success, if you can’t give potential readers a short, punchy reason to read the book, you won’t have any readers.

So, start boiling. The fewer words you need to convey the basic spine and tone of your novel, the more successful a novel it is. If you find yourself writing a second novel to explain your novel, something has gone horribly wrong.

Getting Hung Up on Implements

When I was a young man, I wrote exclusively on an old 1950s-era manual typewriter that I stole from my Mom (in the sense that it was her typewriter from her working days, and I borrowed it one day and simply never gave it back). I loved pounding out stories on that thing. It was like a tank, a solid hunk of metal and you could feel the goddamn earth shake every time I typed on it.

At the same time, I started writing short stories in college-ruled notebooks, something I still do today, and I got superstitious about the pens I used. I would only use a certain kind of cheap blue disposable pen, so I bought them by the dozen and if one ran out of ink I stopped working until I could find a replacement.

In other words, I totally fetishized my implements. Until practicality imposed itself.

Any Way, Any Where

Basically, the Internet happened and I could no longer get away with submitting type-written manuscripts, and finding my exact kind of pen became a bit of a burden. So I weaned myself off the typewriter (I tried to do first drafts on it, keyboarding them in for revision, but this was too much work when I could simply do the first draft on a computer) and I got a little looser with my pen rules (though they still must be blue for no reason I can articulate).

Oddly, despite these early fetishes, I’ve never been hung up on office space or writing space, and ultimately I think that’s the healthiest thing: Don’t get hung up on where or how you write.

For some writers I know, these hang ups are delaying tactics. They spend months futzing with their writing nook, or playing with fonts, or trying out keyboards, all in the service of avoiding having to actually start their book and possibly fail at it. For others, it’s just a love of the idea of being a writer but not so much the effort involved.

But the perfect writing space, or a super-cool process involving expensive pens or expensive gadgets, shouldn’t be your focus. There’s nothing wrong with having a great working space where you’re comfy and free from distraction. There’s nothing wrong with liking a certain pen, or a certain keyboard, or a certain word processing software. But I’ve come to believe that the main goal should be productivity: Learn to write under any conditions, any where, in any way. Learn to be able to composed a short story using a stubby SAT pencil and some butcher paper while trapped in an elevator with fifteen other people. If you can do that, you’ll always produce great stuff, no matter what’s going on in your life. The more fragile and rigid your environment, implements, and process is, the more likely it gets broken on a regular basis. And every day you don’t write because you ran out of the right pens is a day you’ve lost.

Of course, none of this applies to whiskey. When the house runs dry of spirits nothing gets done, but that’s just science.

Dumb Mechanics: The Stacked Paragraph

Writing a story (or even a work of non-fiction) involves a lot of moving parts—imagination, rational thought, language skills, literary sense, style, et al. Sometimes it’s hard to see the forest for the trees, though—sometimes you get so caught up in trying to capture voice or describe action that you forget to pay attention to some of the most basic, dumbest things that can make your writing suck.

Writing a story, for example, is as much about the placement of words on the page as it is the ideas that those words convey. This is one reason writer’s have experimented with the form of their sentences as much as they’ve experimented with the content.

Writing a story is therefore more than just a mental act. It’s a physical one, with a physical record that can affect how your reader interprets or reacts to a story. For example: Stacked paragraphs.

Writing a Story

Look at the first three paragraphs of this little essay; they all being with the same three words. This is a bit of an extreme example of Stacked Paragraphs; for me it usually manifests in a more subtle way—like starting every paragraph with He. “He looked. He stood up. He sighed.” That sort of thing. Very often I’ll pause in the middle of writing a story and realize I’ve started the last six paragraphs with the word He, forming a stack that jumps out at you once you see it on the page or screen.

This can be bad because it becomes a drone in the reader’s mind, a repeated rhythm and beat that—unless it’s on purpose for a specific reason—makes your writing seem dull. When the reader subconsciously anticipates how every paragraph begins, they start getting lazy about reading your work—and then they get bored.

Stacked paragraphs is a minor thing you can fix easily enough in revision—but to do so you first have to be aware of it. Keep your eyes open.

And when fixing it, resist the urge to drop all kinds of bizarre new ways saying He did something. Getting rid of stacked paragraphs with awkward constructions or oddball word replacements might liven up your writing, but it leads you into a whole new minefield.

And whatever you do, don’t think about all the dumb mechanics mistakes you’re making that you haven’t noticed yet. Believe me, that way lies madness.

Writing Means Being Challenged

I sold a piece of fiction recently. I used to think when someone bought a story I submitted that the purchase was the end of the interaction—an editor read my work, liked it and thought it would bring eyeballs to their platform, and offered to pay me for it. End of story. In fact, way back in the early, early days I published a short story (for no money) and got very bent out of shape when the editor proceeded to engage in what I considered excessive editing, coming back at me with questions and suggestions over and over again. Why in the world would you publish a story you obviously thought needed so much work?

Now I understand that selling a story is often just the beginning. Being published is a relationship, and that means you’re going to be challenged even though you’ve already cleared the hurdle and gotten your work ?approved’ on some level. The lesson is simple: Be ready to be challenged.

Good to Great

Editors often see potential in a story even if they believe there are flaws. Sometimes those flaws are purely mechanical and it’s just a thorough copy-edit that’s needed, but sometimes even though they like a story (or even a full novel) they’ve got concerns about certain plot mechanics, certain character motivations, or other aspects of the tale. In other words, they see a good story that could be great with a reasonable amount of work.

As an author, you have to balance out a knee-jerk rejection of any further changes simply because you considered the story finished long ago with the fact that you’re the author and thus the ultimate judge of whether edits are improving the story or not. In other words, when you sell a piece of fiction you should expect to be challenged, you should expect the editor to push you—but you also have to decide when to plant your feet and decide their suggestions aren’t right.

It’s not an easy balance to strike, sometimes. But being prepared for the push back is half the battle. Knowing that selling a story or book doesn’t mean there isn’t work to be done is half the battle.

I sold Writing Without Rules this year and submitted what I thought was an excellent manuscript. I got feedback from my agent and revised accordingly. I got feedback from my editor, which ranged from mechanics to conceptual suggestions, and I took or left those suggestions as I saw fit—but I still wasn’t finished, because I currently have copy-edits to review, and the copy editor is also challenging me throughout questioning assumptions I’ve made and highlighting what they see as flaws. Half the hard work, in other words, comes after you sell something. And you just have to be prepared to defend all of your decisions. In my experience, no one’s going to force you to make a change that you disagree with—but they will want your reasoning, and it had better be good.

None of this is why I drink. I drink because after you publish the book the reviews and feedback from readers comes in—and it’s too late to make any changes.