Weekly Recap 8-19-16
Well, it sure didn’t take long for my Weekly Recap feature on this here blog to go the way of most of my ideas: Sailing serenely into incompetence. Instead of a Weekly Recap, this has been more of a Whenever I Am Sober at 5PM on a Friday Recap.
Still, the spirit is strong even if the typing fingers are weak, so here’s what’s happened, er, recently, since we might have to reach back a little more than a week to recap all the recappable stuff:
- I attended the Writer’s Digest Annual Conference for the third year in a row; I gave my classic Plantsing seminar appeared on a World Building Panel, and met a lot of really cool people:

Me Professional Writer on Panel
- Because I have no shame, I published an essay about my secret love of writing really, really bad poetry.
- I added my first novel, Lifers, and the recent Avery Cates novel, The Shattered Gears, to the new B&N Nook Print program, so you can buy those books in print from B&N for about $2 cheapre than Amazon, if you’re so inclined.
- I noted the incredibly rare but very real presence of Sci Fi and Fantasy on Oprah’s Book Club‘s list.
- I also discussed thriller writers who don’t cheat when it comes to science.
- I reviewed The Last Days of Jack Sparks.
- Finally, there was this photo of my cat Coco:

Coco likes to sit in pants and read THE STRINGER.
And that concludes this weekly recap. Go buy a copy of one of my books, or I may not be able to afford food.