Forum is Gone

Hey, remember that forum I set up here? No? No, none of you bastards used it. Well, I deleted it. I had about 300 Russian robots try to sign up last night, and the last legit activity was like six months ago. WHY WON’T YOU LOVE ME?!?

Anyways: Gone. That is all!

Fantastic Fan Art

You might recall that John Paul Cokes sent us some amazing Monk art about a year and a half ago. He sent me this note today, and thank god, cause the new ones are AMAZING:

“I just wanted to send these to you. I’ve had trouble finding inspiration lately so I turned back to The Electric Church for ideas to keep me busy. I’m a huge fan of these books and would love to see them adapted for the big screen or series. I’ve always imagined Avery Cates with short hair in the first novel and then longer hair in the second one.”


The Psionic The Psionic
The Psionic

Struck Gold

The Electric ChurchAs with most authors, all of being selfish self-obsessed bastards, I am always delighted when someone reviews my books favorably. Especially when they review books that originally came out 5 years ago, like The Electric Church:

“Mr. Jeff Somers has struck gold with his book The Electric Church . . .  I had a lot of fun with this book and look forward to reading the sequels. I highly recommend this to any sci/fi fan.”

Well, bam. I’m pulling together some arcana to add to the official Avery Cates Series Web Page – just some random things created many many years ago and still on my hard drives. Until then, go buy some copies so I can giggle when the pennies shoot out of the pneumatic tube I’ve set up between me and my agent’s office.

First Review of Trickster

Trickster by Jeff SomersThe author is always the last to know: Apparently there are real live galleys of Trickster out there, because someone just posted the first review. Five stars on GoodReads, baby!

“I loved the world Mr. Somers hsa created, and his perfectly IMperfect characters, and I WILL be reading any sequels the moment I can get my greedy little hands on them.”

Score! Go buy ten. Papa needs liquor monies.

USA Today Likes “Codename: Dancer” Trailer

Author Amanda Brice let us know that over on the USA Today Happy Ever After blog, our trailer for Codename: Dancer was noted as a “Super fun video for a wonderful book.” HUZ-ZAH.

Check out the blog post here:

Link to the trailer is there as well, and it appears just below this post on this blog, too.