Reading Reminder

Reminder: IN just 9 days I will be in public making a fool of myself. Stop on by!

Sunday,  Oct. 10, 2010, 5:00 pm

The Tandem Reading Series continues at The Cell Theatre

Not your typical crime

This month’s readers step out of the ordinary and into the strange. Join us for an evening of ghosts, vampires, augmented assassins, and something nasty in the subways: mysteries that go a step beyond.

E. F. Watkins will read from her latest paranormal thriller, One Blood. Just released in September, it is a prequel to her novel Dance with the Dragon, which won a 2004 EPPIE Award as Best Horror Novel.

Jeff Somers, author of the Avery Cates series of noir-SF novels and editor of the long-running underground zine The Inner Swine, will be reading from his latest Cates novel, The Terminal State. And possibly doing some improv break-dancing.

Jeff Cohen, author of the Double Feature Mystery series and now the Haunted
Guesthouse Mystery series, will read from his novel Night of the Living Deed, involving ghosts, poison, and property values on the historic Jersey Shore.

Ameer Youssef reads from Kronman, about a series of Unnatural murders in New York City.

Come join us for an eclectic evening.
Reception to follow.

The Cell Theatre, 338 West 23 St. (between 8 and 9 Ave.; take the 1, C, E to 23rd St; 212-989-7434. Donation: $5.

Review of The Terminal State

The fine folks over at Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist have reviewed The Terminal State, and loved it:

“Avery Cates is a despicable, manipulative, immoral, lousy, sick fuck. But I love him! For all his faults and shortcomings, it’s well nigh impossible not to root for him … I’ve said in the past that these books are addictive, and The Terminal State has done nothing to change that. Roll on The Final Evolution!”

Huzzah! Go buy twelve.

A Smattering of Reviews

It’s fantastic to see reviews of your books pop up years after they’ve published. Here’s a smattering of reviews that have popped up on the Intarwebs recently, just in case someone is inexplicably reading my blog but dithering on whether or not to buy my novels (inexplicable because of the mind control subliminals I use, naturally. HOW ARE YOU RESISTING THEM? I’ll have to unleash the winged monkeys on you instead).

  • Floor to Ceiling Books liked The Electric Church, babies: “The Electric Church read like a cross between Richard Morgan and Ocean’s Eleven – pared-down, noir and with a body count that defies belief. The humour is black and biting and the action is non-stop.”
  • Bookcrastination reviewed The Terminal State: “??Filled with all the run-and-shoot action fans of the series have come to expect, this ride is non-stop … I’m already pining for next year’s release.”
  • Elitist Book Reviews reviewed The Digital Plague: “… these books are a riot. Following Avery Cates on his violent and gruesome adventures is the equivalent to a summer blockbuster movie. There are gunfights and explosions enough to satisfy, and the action keeps moving throughout the book at a breakneck pace.”

So what are you waiting for? Oh, right: Someone to give the books to you, or someone to sell you one for a penny on eBay. Bastards!

Excerpts and Sad, Sad Songs

First of all, if you’re still wavering in your decision to purchase and/or steal a copy of The Terminal State, there’s an excerpt up at the fantabulous blog Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist. They’ve posted the entire prologue of the book, which I think will give long time Avery fans a glimpse of how the story’s going to go and newcomers a taste of what the series is like. Surf on over and check it out!

And also too, I’ve partaken in a really cool feature my fellow Orbit-author Philip Palmer cooked up: The SFF Song of the Week. Phil, with whom I’ve been working on something very cool that will hopefully see the light shortly, had the great idea of asking interesting people to nominate songs that have a SFF theme, providing a brief description of the song and the lyrics et al. A clever idea from a very talented writer (he’s got a book due out in October, BTW, which you ought to check out – I’ve read it, and it’s great). Somehow I got on Phil’s list of clever people, and I nominated Queen’s “’39”. Surf on over and see my pearls of ruddy wisdom on the subject.

And now, coffee.

Review of The Terminal State

The Terminal StateJust in case you’ve been wondering if you should really buy #4 in the Cates series:

“The writing is witty and clever and Jeff Somers has Avery saying some of the best lines I’ve read in any book. The futility of the situation leads to lines that will just crack you up and make your day brighter. Just for an example of style, think of Jeff Somers as the love child of William Gibson and Douglas Adams. Now that is not bad company to be in at all.”


Holy Crap

The Eternal PrisonWow:

“In my recent review of “The Digital Plague,” here on Flames, I said that this was one of the, if not the best pieces of science fiction that I have read in this last decade. I am at the point, without trying to sound like a complete kiss ass, where I would say that this series is one of the best of this, the brave new 21st century.”

I mean: Wow. I dare everyone to buy my books and PROVE HIM WRONG! No, wait, I mean – damn, is this thing – what’s this button do –

Interview with Little Old Me

Eric over at Flames Rising has posted a neat little interview he conducted with me recently:

The telltale influences question, the mark of every bad interviewer but here we go anyway: who are they for you and why?

A kid named Corey, who taught me to drink Blackberry brandy when I was about twelve. Ramon, who taught me who to hotwire – wait a sec, you mean literary influences, don’t you?

Check it out. Then buy 10 copies of The Terminal State. Go, do it. Now.