I Wrote a Thing

Over at the Orbit Books Blog, I’ve written a little post about 5 near-future SF movies I think are great. Check it out!

“You know, when the Telegraph called my Avery Cates novels “an action movie in print,” my immediate reaction was, of course, anger and suspicion. What kind of action movie did they mean? Jean-Claude Van Damme? Dolph Lundgren? Surely not . . . Steven Seagal?!?!? Bastards. I would have my revenge, I thought.”

Une revue pour vous!

The Final EvolutionWell, it’s June, which means it’s just a few short weeks until the official release of #5 in the Cates series, The Final Evolution. Over in the U.K., we have our first review of the book over at The Bookbag:

“. . . when Cates is proven to be the one man to save the world, we find it suitably meaty, and gripping, despite that old saw – and it’s a rich nightmare of post-apocalypse for him to be saving, as well . . . Somers is an author of some powerful genre talents.”

Huzzah! We are a genius.

I also note the book is listed on IO9’s “Your Ultimate Survival Guide to June’s Science Fiction and Fantasy” calendar, although they are under the impression the title is The Final Evilution. What’s with people getting the title of this book hilariously wrong?

Anyways: Go forth and pre-order, or I will mail a monkey to your house. Which mail not sound like much of a threat, but that’s only because you’ve never opened a badly ventilated box containing a really hungry, pissed-off monkey.

The Greatest Book Trailer Ever Made

When working on a book trailer for The Final Evolution, I had a lot of great ideas that were cruelly shunned by my Corporate Masters. As a result the official trailer is quite somber and serious. Fantastic, of course, but somber. And serious.

I saw no reason to trash all of my insanely great ideas for another trailer go to waste. So, featuring booze, pantslessness, and profanity, here is

B  A  M  !