The Inner Swine on Nook

The Inner Swine Volume 17, Issue 1/2, Summer 2011A few months ago I managed to get my collective shit together enough to put my little zine, The Inner Swine, up on Amazon for the Kindle. I was pretty proud of myself. The Inner Swine has remained largely unchanged since its inception in 1995; the same basic layout, format, trim size, and style. You could hold a 2011 issue up to a 1995 issue and see no difference.

Hopefully the writing inside has changed (for the better), but that’s a different matter.

So, getting the zine into the Kindle was pretty big for me. Immediately upon announcing it, of course, I was inundated with emails from folks wondering when the Nook version was coming. Soon, soon, I swore to them, taking a deep pull from my unmarked bottle of ‘shine and typing with one hand. Soon.

Well, soon apparently = 6 months or so, but the glorious day has arrived! The last two issues of TIS are now available for the Nook:

The Inner Swine Volume 16, Issue 3/4, Winter 2010

The Inner Swine Volume 17, Issue 1/2, Summer 2011

Both priced at $0.99, both sloppily formatted and barely proofread, because this is a zine, man, and both DRM-free, because this is not Communist China. Go buy some!

The Final Evolution & The Inner Swine

Oh boy, life is kicking my ass this week. Busy busy busy, sweating constantly, mostly sober. It’s hellish. Luckily, the universe has dished out two nifty things for me to soften the pain:

The Inner Swine1. A really intense review of my zine The Inner Swine over at De Profundus Clamavi:

“I wish I had discovered this several years ago, thereby freeing me from all the boring bullshit I was reading on the net, at home, on the toilet, at night in bed, etc. Instead of reading American Scholar, Poetry, Skeptic (all worthy reads, by the way) and all the other highbrow lit and glossy, massively produced, and financially backed mags I packed around, I could’ve been reading The Inner Swine—and been laughing while doing it.”

The zine’s been out for so long I’m amazed some folks still discover it as new, but there you have it. Rock on.

2. Pete Dulin wrote up a nice piece on Avery Cates # 5 The Final Evolution over at his web site:

“Somers has perfected a steady pace in his storytelling where chapters end on a strong beat and encourage page turning to find out what happens next. Plenty of twists and turns abound that work for and against Cates. Unlike other series that depend on a character’s predictable actions and a few tweaks to formulaic plots, Avery Cates wraps up a few loose ends and attempts to settle a long-standing score with his nemesis in The Final Evolution.”

Rock on again. Go subscribe to my zine and buy my books. Now.

The Final Evolution in Wired


“I do want to say Thank You, Mr. Somers. I’ve read so many series where the conclusion was predictable even before the final book was out. And I’ve read a handful of series that just out-and-out disappointed, and I felt the authors themselves didn’t know how to wrap things up. Thankfully you delivered and didn’t disappoint. And now it’s over.”

I repeat: HOT. DAMN.

The Inner Swine on Kindle

The Inner Swine 17(1/2) Summer 2011For those of you who are interested in my zine, The Inner Swine, and have Kindles, the Kindle Version of the new issue is available now, about 2-3 weeks before the print version. This is largely due to my incompetence. Heck, this issue was supposed to mail in June, and now won’t go out likely until August. But due to digital magicality, the Kindle version is ready now! WOOT.

Of course, the Kindle version is a little wonky. I had to include a few images this time, which made things more complex for me. But it’s only $0.99, it’s lendable, and it has all that good delicious Somers writing.

I noted on Twitter the other day that I’d updated the web site for The Inner Swine as well, so if you’re curious, check that out too!


The Final EvolutionWell, The Final Evolution has been out for a week or so, and we’re getting our first reviews in.

First, a five-star review from Jason Falter:

“Suffice it to say that this is the perfect ending to a thrilling series. You get an ending that fits the character completely and does not disappoint.”

Then, a nice write up from Life Is Short Read Fast:

“It’s the kind of ending that crawls into your head and leaves you questioning what just happened, like did you miss something, when you know full and well you didn’t. I love stories that don’t have that happy story ending, but instead stay true to the tale and the characters.”

You know what I say to those kinds of reviews: Huzzah!