Big-Assed Famous

Friends, I have arrived: I have finally made the local All-Things-Hoboken Web Site, I can now begin stepping on all the little people. DAMN YOU, LITTLE PEOPLE, HOLDING ME BACK ALL THESE YEARS!

Although the photo they used of me makes me look like a hobo of some sort. Which means it’s entirely accurate, just unfortunate. This is why my official photos are all blurred. DAMN YOU AGAIN!

Also, Matt Good was kind enough to send me a link to his review of The Electric Church, which he apparently enjoyed, so check it out! Thanks, Matt!


  1. janet reid

    That photo is from my blog, I recognize the grin.

    My evil plan is working!

  2. jsomers (Post author)

    Damn you, Janet! You win this round.

    I was going to ask what in hell I was doing just prior to that photo to look so. . .weathered, but then realized that, as usual, I was probably merely pants-losing drunk, and that explains it.

  3. Craig

    Did you say, “Dammit, Janet” ????

    Where have I heard THAT before?

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