Author Archive: jsomers

Jeff Somers ( was born in Jersey City, New Jersey and regrets nothing. He is the author of Lifers, the Avery Cates series published by Orbit Books, Chum from Tyrus Books, and We Are Not Good People from Pocket Books. He sold his first novel at age 16 to a tiny publisher in California which quickly went out of business and has spent the last two decades assuring potential publishers that this was a coincidence. Jeff publishes a zine called The Inner Swine and has also published a few dozen short stories; his story “Sift, Almost Invisible, Through” appeared in the anthology Crimes by Moonlight, published by Berkley Hardcover and edited by Charlaine Harris. His guitar playing is a plague upon his household and his lovely wife The Duchess is convinced he would wither and die if left to his own devices.

The Truth About Pantsing

Someday writers everywhere will gather in Central Park like in the beginning of The Warriors and a cult-like leader will strut about an ersatz stage demanding to know if we can dig it, and then everyone will form up into two armies: Pantsers and Plotters. The War of Literary Identity will be epic for about twelve hours and then everyone will realize they’re actually Plantsers and a new Pax Litterara will bloom.

Even though your personal approach to plotting is, you know, personal, there remains this sense among a lot of writers that there are rules to all this stuff, and that therefore there is a right way to Pants your way through a story. One school of thought is that if you’re a Pantser that means you don’t do any sort of planning whatsoever, that every novel is like an eighth-grade jazz ensemble—everyone just sort of playing something and then miraculously in hour two of the set everything comes together for ten wild minutes and a song is achieved. In other words, there has to be a lot of wasted time as you noodle about without any plan, until inspiration combined with luck results in a plot.

In my experience, this isn’t true.

No Stairway

The way Pantsing works for me is similar to working out a guitar part for a song. I’m no musical genius, and my knowledge of music theory isn’t broad. I play for my own pleasure, and I build my little songs using a pretty simple process: I start with a chord progression that sounds kind of interesting, then I start noodling with scales over that progression until something resembling a song emerges.

That’s pretty similar to how I write a novel: I start with something foundational, either a scene or a character or a premise, and then I noodle over that until something resembling a story emerges.

The key here is just that—the key. In my musical noodlings, I’m operating within the framework of a musical key, which dictates the notes that will sound good over the chords. It’s chaos and noodling, yes, but noodling within a framework. It’s the same for writing—yes, I’m throwing words around to see what sticks, but it’s within a framework. Pantsing is not, I don’t think, just starting with a blank page and then relying on automatic writing or something to come up with a plot. Unless it is, for you, in which case, you do you.

The framework is vital, for me. It can be so broad and flexible as to be nigh invisible and infinite, but it has to be there. Otherwise you’re that eighth-grade jazz ensemble. You might get lucky, but you can’t repeat a trick you didn’t understand in the first place.

Imagining a Reader

Well, it’s 2019, and we’re all still here writing. Or at least I hope we are. No matter how many things I publish, how many manuscripts I complete and feel good about, there’s always an up-and-down quality to enthusiasm. Every writer experiences dark moments when they lose confidence in what they’re doing, or feel like their careers are stalled or perhaps ended forever. It’s inevitable.

When this happens in terms of what I’m working on, it’s pretty awful; whether you’re 3,000 or 30,000 words in, that sudden sense that your WIP is boring and not worth the effort can lead to day drinking and poor Netflix choices which can then slur into a spiral of lost time that undermines everything else you’re trying to do.

When this happens to a WIP I try a little psychological trick: I imagine my reader’s reaction to what I’m working on.

The Audience is Key

I’m a huge believer in getting your work out there. The act of creation is just half of it—the other half is getting your words in front of eyeballs to be appreciated, critiqued, and hopefully enjoyed.

When I was a little kid, I shared a bedroom with my older brother. When we were small, we’d lay in bed at night and entertain each other with stories. We just made shit up, and it was a blast, and I can remember the feeling of excitement when I had a good idea for a new story at night. I anticipated my brother’s reactions, and couldn’t wait to lay my genius on him. The fact that most of my stories at the time were satires of Star Wars which thought the height of humor was renaming Luke Skywalker Luke Mudd is beside the point, dammit. I was eight.

That anticipation sometimes solves my enthusiasm deficits. I imagine someone reading the story I’m working on, and getting to that big twist or that moment where I really sharpen and define the premise, and I imagine their reaction. I imagine that excitement—we’re writers, so we’re readers. We know that excitement that wells up inside when you realize the writer is about to do something really, really cool.

I imagine that. And then I want that moment. And often that clicks me back into being excited as a writer, and I get a second wind on the WIP.

Of course, if that fails, there’s always the aforementioned day drinking, which has gotten me through just about every other crisis in my life. To paraphrase The Simpsons, Booze: Teacher, mother … secret lover.

The Joys of Being Old: Suddenly I Snore Like a Motherfucker Who Swallowed a Snore Machine

Aging, on the whole, isn’t so bad. There are trade-offs, to be sure, but overall I’ve found getting older to be mostly a positive experience, if you can believe it, largely due to the incredible jackassery my younger self engaged in on a regular basis. It’s easy to view a little gout and the inability to appreciate Soundcloud rappers as a small price to pay for a broader perspective and deeper understanding of the universe around you.

One aspect of getting older that I don’t appreciate is the Sudden Onset nature of many of these relatively minor afflictions. It’s like, you go to bed one night as You, expected and understood as a physical entity, and you wake up as You 2.0 with a bizarre new problem. For example, one evening a year or so ago I went to bed and snored like a motherfucker who swallowed a snore machine.

Jeff ‘The Buzzsaw’ Somers is Supposed to be a Cool Nickname

I can’t swear I’d never snored before, but it was a pretty rare occurrence. I know this to be fact because The Duchess is essentially The Princess and the Pea when it comes to sleep—the slightest disturbance in the force wakes her up. She has transformed our bedroom into a dark, cold, silent cave, and if I move the covers too briskly getting into bed, she pops awake and there are consequences. This is exacerbated by the fact that she goes to bed much earlier than I do, so creeping in there can be a challenge.

I tell you this so you’ll understand that if I was a regular snorer it would have been noted. So, like I said, I went to bed the night before as Normal Jeff, operating as per specifications, and then invisibly transformed into Jeff What Snores Like a Motherfucker, somehow. There was no warning, and it’s been a steady deal ever since. I snore, period. I am now a person who snores. Some fleshy part of my head that I don’t have full control over has gotten weak and lazy in my middle age and given up doing its fucking job.

The Implements

I have an endless, infinite faith in science and its ability to solve all my problems, so I began researching snoring. I installed an App to track my snoring performances, and JEBUS CHRISTUS it was a revelation.

You see, I sleep really well. So initially when The Duchess told me I snored like a motherfucker who had swallowed a snoring machine it’s not that I didn’t believe her, exactly, but it seemed impossible. I slept so soundly, how could I be unaware of this thunderous noise I was making? But the App recorded you when your snoring became noticeable, and I woke up the next day with all these audio recordings of me buzzing away like a character out of an old-timey cartoon.

So I began trying things. I tried Breathe-Rite strips, which open up the nasal passageways, as well as nasal dilators, which do the same thing from the inside of your nose. I tried mouthpieces that adjust your jaw position. I found these things called Theravents that you stick on your nostrils which essentially, as far as I can tell, solve the problem by forcing you to breathe through your mouth. The latter two actually do work, although the mouthpieces kind of irritate my teeth, and the Theravents cause … excessive drooling.


There are few things that, in my opinion, separate me from the animals. The ability to play video games. The understanding that pedestrians always have the right of way. The knowledge that neat is always the best way to enjoy whiskey no matter what anyone else says. And a lack of drooling.

Now, though, I have a trade off: I can snore and keep my precious bodily fluids inside my mouth like a normal person, or I can stop snoring and wake up with a disgusting flood of saliva everywhere. This is a non-ideal scenario, but since in both cases I am sleeping soundly but in only one is The Duchess not straddling me with a gun in my face like in the film Goodfellas, my choice is clear: Drool.

So there you go: I am a snoring, drooling mess. Happy New Year!

The Art of Following

FRIENDS, many of you know that I’m married, and not to just any person, but to The Duchess, a formidable woman who can bench press me and whose mastery of Retail Science is unparalleled. What she sees in me will forever be a mystery, and I am a lucky man to have her. That doesn’t mean being married to The Duchess is all gravy, though; there’s a cost. A bitter cost largely measured out in hours spent following her around various stores while she shops.

England Expects that Every Man Will Do His Duty

Why The Duchess wants me there when she shops is another mystery, frankly, as I am a sullen and unenthusiastic shopper, and also quite ignorant of the ways of fashion. I can only assume that the strange and unexpected affection she has for me overpowers her common sense, leading me to accompanying her to places where one is expected to understand the difference between boot cut things and skinny things, places where more than seven colors are acknowledged to exist.

My role when accompanying The Duchess on these trips is mainly to follow her around. There is an art to this.

The art largely involves maintaining a suitably aloof and bemused expression—note, bemused, not amused, as the former implies I am a willing participant in this madness while the latter implies that I will be severely beaten by an unamused wife when I get home—and endurance. You have to be in good shape when you follow The Duchess around, because it’s a marathon, not a sprint. And there are no complimentary cocktails or snacks, usually. Although, sometimes, in particularly ritzy stores.

This can, but does not have to, also involve striking poses as you stand around attempting to look like this is totally how you always intended to spend this particular afternoon, as if decades ago you pulled out your Book of Intentions and penned in that day for ‘following my beloved around like a vagrant who hopes to get a dollar from her just to go away.’ There are a lot of mirrors in these shops, and I find myself to be very attractive, and so adopting the poses I imagine Very Attractive Men of Mystery use in their daily lives makes me feel like maybe I’m generating buzz among the shop employees, maybe they’re going into the back and chatting about this really cool man of mystery who’s entered the store standing like a superhero, possibly intending to purchase every item in the place with his credit card that’s so advanced it’s not black or platinum but rather invisible.

The Chores

Once you’ve got the art side of shopping with the Duchess down cold, there are some basic duties that come with the position:

1. Picking up The Duchess’ things. The Duchess, in an excess of excitement, often drops whatever she is carrying and/or wearing as she rushes to the sales rack, and it is my sacred duty to pick up her jacket, sweater, wallet, keys, shoes, and anything else that has exploded off of her in a burst of kinetic shopping energy.

2. Making Small Talk. The shop staff will be barely tolerated and acknowledged by The Duchess, who knows more about their products than they do. As she races about, I form a sad fellowship with these people and make conversation to reassure them that despite being completely ignored by my wife, they do in fact exist.

3. Paying. This is not because I am a man, or because I have all the money. In fact, The Duchess outearns me by a significant amount. But The Duchess has little time for the details of shopping, and once she has decided on, say, a rust-orange turtleneck, size medium, marked 40% off with an additional 25% off coupon applied, she is off to the next shop, leaving me to fumble out the credit card and make more awkward conversation with the staff.

Like I said: Not all gravy. This line of work isn’t for everyone—especially the posing.

Holiday Card Armageddon

One of the few pleasures of growing old, in my crusty opinion, is the clarity you get about yourself and the space you occupy on the saint—asshole spectrum. I lean heavily towards asshole, and while I’m not proud of it I’m at least aware, and if I choose not to do anything about it, it’s on me. How do I know I’m kind of a prick? Well, it’s always been there: the self-centeredness, the cruel snark, the emotional laziness. As I age the signs simply become more overt.

For example, I’m engaged in a multi-year experiment to see how long it takes you to be removed from people’s holiday cards lists.

Lump of Coal, Here I Come

When I was a young man, I put a lot of effort into my holiday cards as part of my I AM AN ADULT DAMMIT charm offensive. I drew doodles, I hand-wrote poems, I made those things sing, baby. Of course, it wasn’t because I loved everyone on my list so damn much. I wanted everyone to be impressed and tell me how awesome my holiday cards were.

Now I am old and it takes me 1/85th of my life just to wake up in the morning, so that kind of effort is obviously impossible. As is any kind of effort at all, to be honest. On the one hand, I’ve turned into 110% Grinch, and the holiday season just irritates me in every single way to the point where I want to become a Super Villain who goes out at night to tear down holiday decorations and hand out toothbrushes at Halloween, and on the other hand holiday cards increasingly seem like Old People Facebook, a way of pretending you’re in touch with someone.

I mean, I get holiday cards from cousins I haven’t spoken to in decades. What the fuck?

So, about, jeebs, probably fifteen years ago now I stopped sending out holiday cards. And the volume of cards received dropped steadily as people got insulted or assumed I’d finally drunk myself to death, but I’m still getting a dozen every year. Which is either folks not cleaning up their mailing lists, or people vindictively trying to make me feel like a dick for not reciprocating.

Which: Respect. That’s something I would do. I picture them with Peter Capaldi’s eyes from Doctor Who when they mail the cards to me.


Joke’s on them: I’m gonna pursue this goal until I get zero holiday cards. And then I’ll have one of those Mad Men zoom out moments where I sit alone in a diner and stare at my coffee as I realize I am mortal and an asshole no matter how much I like myself.

So, just one more reason for me to accept the fact that I am not a good person, and will probably become less good as I age, until I die alone and unremarked-upon, eaten by cats and buried by disinterested city employees. Huzzah! That calls for a drink!

The No Pants Cocktail Hour Podcast

Like drugs in my childhood, everyone’s doing podcasts. I am generally speaking the last person to get on any sort of bandwagon; not because I am cool and aloof, but because I am slow and lazy. Also, I have to figure out a way to make everything all about me and not have to collaborate with anyone, which makes projects hard to start sometimes.

But, I finally had an idea for a podcast that fits all my self-absorbed requirements: I’ll talk about myself! Or, more accurately, my fiction.

The No Pants Cocktail Hour

So here’s the idea: Each episode I’ll pick a short story of mine that’s been published. I’ll discuss the story, its inspiration, process, and anything else I think might be interesting, and then I’ll read the story. Complete with some sound effects and other fun touches. Well, fun for me. For you? Your mileage may vary, but that’s pretty much the Somers House Words at this point.

I even made a twitter account for it, so you know I’m 100% serious. Odds that account has exactly 1 tweet 5 years from now are pretty good, but I mean well.

The first episode is a bit of a cheat; I already had a recording me reading my story Ringing the Changes, so I added commentary and voila! a podcast. You can find the podcast in various places, including right here:

No Pants Cocktail Hour Episode 1: Ringing the Changes

Author Jeff Somers discusses and reads his short story “Ringing the Changes,” which was selected for Best American Mystery Stories 2006.  

I’ll aim for a new episode every month in 2019 until someone shows up to ask me to stop in person.

Doctor Who and the Curious Case of the Copious Companions

Last year I wrote an article for Writers Digest about figuring out if you have too many characters in your story or novel, which brings me to Doctor Who.

I’ve had a tumultuous relationship with the show. When I was a kid, my older brother, Yan, was obsessed with Tom Baker’s Number Four, and as a result I kind of avoided it on principle. In college I chose to become obsessed with the even more obscure and even more British show The Prisoner. When they rebooted the show in 2005, I kind of ignored it, and only started watching with Matt Smith’s Number Eleven, then worked my way (somewhat) backwards from there.

What’s been interesting over the eleven seasons of the show that have aired since the reboot is the collective character arc of the Doctors. Number Nine was so desperate to flee his past he basically ignored it and pretended not to have one, but subsequent doctors slowly strapped on the old stuff, evolving into unhappy lonely gods and oncoming storms and self-loathing madmen in a box. The two showrunners who guided nuWho through it’s first 10 seasons, Russell Davies and Steven Moffat, shared a certain love for silly epicness—their stories were frenetic, loud, frequently illogical, and usually kind of fun, but things got very cluttered as the old-school stuff barnacled on with some new twists until the whole character and the universe he inhabited was very loud and very distracting.

So, in the new season, a new showrunner took over. Chris Chibnall, known for his work on Broadchurch (and some Who scripts over the years), was brought in to basically do a soft reboot, clean things up, find a new tone. In a sense, the casting of Jodie Whitaker as the 13th Doctor wasn’t just about a long-overdue gender swap, but also about the character’s arc, which had hit maximum self-loathing with twelve and come through the other side to acceptance. Whitaker’s Thirteen is lighter, freer, happier. She’s shed a lot of the dead weight, and the new season is meant to be a return to basics—history lessons, alien invasions, and a Doctor who has rediscovered their curiosity and dedication to a moral and ethical universe.

To be honest, I thought the ten episodes of the new season ranged from meh to meh-meh. There were bright spots—Whitaker’s performance as The Doctor is breathless fun—but overall I wasn’t terribly excited by the stories. With Moffat and Davies there was a lot to complain about, but there were usually a couple of bangers in each season you could sink your teeth into, but Chibnall’s first go left me a bit cold. And I finally figured out why: There are too many companions. Chibnall needs to read my article and cut a few.

Too Many Cooks

In the unlikely case you’re not familiar with Doctor Who but are still reading (because you love me?), the companions are the (typically human) everyday folks the Time Lord picks up and brings along on his adventures. Their main function is to have someone the Doctor has to explain things to, of course, but they usually wind up becoming pretty important characters to the Doctor’s arc and the show’s storytelling.

In the first 10 seasons of the new show, the companions have usually been limited to one, with a few satellite companions who would cycle in and out. Amy Pond and her husband Rory were an exception, but Rory as a character was so utterly defined by his orbit around Amy they were basically a single binary companion.

As a result, the companions had interesting arcs in their own right—Rose from the first four seasons transformed from a shop girl into someone willing to sacrifice everything for love. Donna went from a trashy, irritating woman to a figure of almost unimaginable tragedy. Martha transformed into a kick-ass warrior. Amy became perhaps the first true friend the Doctor ever had. Clara, who initially over-existed as The Impossible Girl, slowly evolved into something akin to a formerly-human version of the Doctor (and hey, might still be out in that fictional universe, perhaps starring in a TV show in an alternate universe called Professor What). Bill Potts began as a curious, spirited woman who didn’t let a lack of funds hold her back, and wound up finding acceptance and love in a way she couldn’t have anticipated.

Which brings us to the crowded TARDIS of Thirteen’s run. She’s got three companions, and they’re all fine folks in their way. The problem with the new season is, they don’t get to do much in each episode, and they don’t get to grow much as characters, because there’s too many of them.

Fine, Upstanding, Really Boring People

In the past, having just one companion or, sometimes, a main companion and some satellite companions, allowed the show to focus on the companion’s development over the course of the season. This year, Chibnall introduced four folks in the first episode: Graham, an older gent recently in remission from cancer, his wife Grace, a force of goodwill, her son Ryan, a nice enough guy who has father issues and resents Graham’s attempts to charm him, and Yasmin Khan, a rookie police officer struggling against the boredom of her low-level postings and the patriarchy. Some spoilers to follow, in case you need the warning.

So far, so good. You can see what Chibnall is trying to do—bring in some gender and racial variety, ground the crazy alien madwoman in a box with some down-to-earth folks. Plus, he’s seeded in a few bits of conflict that can pay off later. And to be fair, some of it does pay off. Graham and Ryan begin the season with an awkward relationship, and end it very much family. But otherwise, not much happens and the three surviving companions (I said there were spoilers) are basically in the same positions as at the beginning of the season. Graham is a genial grandfather type who carries emergency sandwiches. Ryan is a snarky kid uncertain how he fits into the world. Yaz is an earnest young woman who has experienced racism and sexism. None of them can be said to have grown much, or been explored much.

And, frankly, this comes down to screen time. There just isn’t room in any given episode to deal much with their characters. If you’ve ever seen an episode of modern Doctor Who, you know they blaze by at warp speed; the main prerequisite for an actor taking on the role is the ability to say 5,000 lines of pseudo-sciency dialogue in about thirty seconds. With one companion, you can devote a few minutes to their personal arc. With three, it’s hard enough to figure out plot reasons for all of them to have something to do, much less explore their personal journeys.

It’s different in a novel, of course; you can just add a few thousand words here and there to expand and explore your characters. A TV show has a specific number of seconds to tell a story, and sacrifices must be made. But Doctor Who would be well advised to lose a companion, maybe two. And if your own characters aren’t much changed at the end of your story, consider if you need to spend more time with them—and maybe have fewer of them, to boot.

Still Not Big on Pants: My Writing Year in Review

Well, it’s December 12th, so 2018 is rapidly dwindling away. Which is alarming, because my last memory is promising myself that the Summer of 2018 was going to be epic while pouring myself a shot of whiskey, and now here I am, yellowed and somewhat confused.

Writing continues to be my life, so it makes sense that I judge the success or failure of any given year by how my writing is going both artistically and commercially. And 2018 was a pretty good year, all things considered.
In January, my short story Arthur Kill published in Mystery Weekly magazine. In May, Writing Without Rules was published by Writer’s Digest Books. In October, my short story Supply and Demand appeared in the anthology No Bars and a Dead Battery. And just last week my short story Rolls Upon Prank published in the newest Mystery Weekly. Plus, I sold another short story that I can’t officially announce yet, which I’m pretty psyched about.

So far I’ve written 19 shorts stories this year, and I’ll have #20 done by December 31st if it kills me. I also completed 2 new novels. We won’t get into the novels I started but couldn’t complete because of serious creativity failure, because no one wants to see a grown man cry.

I also continued to write for the Barnes and Noble Book Blog (ranking the SF books that won both the Hugo and Nebula and the one about anti-novels were two of my favorites that did pretty well) and Writer’s Digest. Making a living by writing about books and the craft of writing is almost as good as actually writing the books.

I got to attend BookCon and Book Expo America this year, I was a guest of some very cool podcasts, I got to teach a master class at a local university, I drank a lot of really good whiskey, and I still get to spend a lot of time not wearing any pants and no one can tell me not to, so I’m pretty psyched. How’d your 2018 go?

He Who Controls the The Spice

I’ve written before about Plantsing, when you combine plotting and pantsing into a hybrid approach that uses the strengths of each style of plotting a novel. I think Plantsing actually underscores a deeper concept that often gets overlooked: There is no One Way.

There’s no One Way to do anything in writing, in fact. You can type on a keyboard or a typewriter, you can tap on a tablet or a phone, you can scratch with a pen or a pencil, you can dictate to a transcription App. You can plot, you can pants, you can plants. You can work up detailed character sketches or you can just wing their dialog and backstory. Base characters on real people or movie characters or no one at all.

In other words, sometimes this business of discussing writing and passing advice back and forth devolves into a search for the ?right’ way to do something, and there clearly isn’t such a thing. Which leads me to my next thought: Variety being the spice of life.

Try Something New

Some of my most energized, fun writing has been done after shifting gears and trying a new way of approaching my work, whether writing in a style or voice I’ve never tried before or working with new tools. It’s easy to get locked into ruts in this business, easy to just do what comes naturally. But that leads to stagnation, or simply a loss of energy. Something as simple as writing at a different time of day, or using a different implement, can recharge you and make it all seem new.

That’s what I chase, sometimes—that newness. When I was a kid, writing was this amazing thing where every day I’d read something new to steal in a book and rush to incorporate it into my stories. Every day I’d have new ideas that I’d never seen before (note, that doesn’t mean they were unique—just that I hadn’t seen them; the list of things I still haven’t seen is very, very long), and when I pulled off a successful story I was goddamn excited.

You lose that, little by little, as you polish and refine and age. My writing is much better today than it was 30 years ago, but that excitement has worn a little thin. Changing things up and chasing that spice is usually the cure.

Of course, another way to get that excitement back is to drink a fifth of Michter’s. It works, but the writing is largely incoherent.

No Dignity in Youth

I’m not 100% certain when I became worried for my dignity. It might have been the time my shorts split down the back one summer day when I was out playing handball with some neighborhood friends. Or it might have been the time an older kid asked me if I liked rock-n-roll and I said yes because I wanted to seem cool and he asked me to name my favorite band and I said Led Zeppelin because I’d recently heard the band mentioned somewhere and he asked me to name my favorite song and I burst into tears.

Or maybe it was the costumes.

Did You Not?

As anyone who has met me or read anything I’ve ever written knows, I am not and have never been cool. Or rad, or lit, or whatever. I’m a weird goofball with a surprisingly and totally unjustifiably high opinion of himself, and I long ago accepted my status as a completely uncool person. Recently, The Duchess and I were out walking in December and a young boy raced by wearing a police officer costume like every day was Halloween for him:

THE DUCHESS: How cute! When I was a kid I would have loved to wear a costume all the time!

ME: I used to wear a costume all the time, actually.


ME: I had these Superman Underoos, so I got a pair of red knee socks and an old cape from a Halloween costume and I used to run around as Superman all the time.


ME: And then I went through a weird fascination with that old TV show Dallas. Remember ‘who shot J.R.?’ It was a big deal in my house, and for a while I wore a cowboy hat and made everyone call me J.D.

THE DUCHESS: … I’ve made a terrible mistake.

ME: What’s that?

THE DUCHESS: Nothing! So … you wore costumes a lot as a kid, huh?”

ME: … did you not?

This is a 100% true tragic story, unfortunately, though I’ll admit here and now that I very much enjoyed spending so much of my childhood in costumes, right up until I was 12 and everything went even more tragic for me.

The Halloween Miscalculation

I’m not a very bright man[1], and I wasn’t a very bright child. I knew, for example, that at the world-weary age of 12 wearing a costume for Halloween and going trick-or-treating was a perfect way to invite mockery into your life. Seventh Grade was a tumultuous time, very similar to your standard-issue Hunger Games or Battle Royales in the way we tore at each other like vicious animals. I wore glasses the size of the moon and won all the spelling bees. I knew I had to tread lightly or be attacked.

So, I didn’t buy a costume or make any plans. Until the day before, when suddenly the old urge to wear a costume returned and I decided, along with a friend of mine, to throw a costume together and head out. Why not! It would be fun! So I cobbled together some old sweats and a sheet and created an ersatz suit of chainmail with a tunic and a plastic sword. In my mind, I looked like this:

The reality was … less so.











To say I didn’t look anything like this is an understatement. Still, I was excited, and marched off to claim candy. Things went swimmingly, and at the local photo developing and framing place they were taking photos of all the kids, so I cheerfully posed.

Yeah. That was unwise. Yeah, that photo wound up being passed around Seventh Grade like the Zapruder Film. Yeah, I just remembered where and when my dignity vanished.

Still, living without dignity is freeing, in its way. I haven’t worried about what I’m wearing or what my hair looks like since I was 12, for example; what would be the point?

[1]For example, why am I writing a post about costumes with a reference to Halloween a month after Halloween? Because I am a professional writer who knows what he’s doing, self-promotion-wise. Or not.