Author Archive: jsomers

Jeff Somers ( was born in Jersey City, New Jersey and regrets nothing. He is the author of Lifers, the Avery Cates series published by Orbit Books, Chum from Tyrus Books, and We Are Not Good People from Pocket Books. He sold his first novel at age 16 to a tiny publisher in California which quickly went out of business and has spent the last two decades assuring potential publishers that this was a coincidence. Jeff publishes a zine called The Inner Swine and has also published a few dozen short stories; his story “Sift, Almost Invisible, Through” appeared in the anthology Crimes by Moonlight, published by Berkley Hardcover and edited by Charlaine Harris. His guitar playing is a plague upon his household and his lovely wife The Duchess is convinced he would wither and die if left to his own devices.

Zombies Everywhere: The Graying of Genre

The power balance in my marriage is despairingly unequal—my wife is unquestionably in charge. I confess this to explain how it is that I watched every single episode of The Big Bang Theory; my wife has a weakness for Chuck Lorre sitcoms, and I have a weakness for making her happy. Incidentally, The Big Bang Theory is also prominently featured in my moments of Existential Horror when I realize that I, too, will someday die; it’s incredible to realize the show debuted in 2007, six months before Marvel’s Iron Man.

For anyone who wasn’t alive or aware back in 2007, you can now look back on it as possibly the last time that a concept like The Big Bang Theory—which can be summed up as Haw Haw Lookit These Funny Nerds!—was a viable pitch for a TV show. Because not only have nerds clearly inherited the Earth in terms of pop culture domination (the Top 5 highest-grossing films of all time, for example, include two Avengers movies, The Force Awakens, and Avatar—all released post-2007), but the genre distinctions that once separated us from the rest of the world are quickly becoming meaningless.

The Thin Gray Line

Genre has always been a meaningless invention of marketing forces, to a certain extent. While defining something as ‘science fiction’ or a ‘thriller’ has utility for the consumer, it’s a messy business that was never well-defined. The reasons we might categorize Homer’s Odyssey or Shelley’s Frankenstein as ‘classics’ or ‘literature’ instead of epic fantasy and sci-fi horror are pretty thin. The argument against considering many James Bond films (not so much the novels) works of sci-fi is kind of weak, and so many TV shows, films, and works of modern literature have used the magical realism of A Christmas Carol and It’s a Wonderful Life for lame plot devices they’ve become genres unto themselves—and yet are rarely called out as speculative in nature.

The main reason for such seemingly arbitrary genre classifications is due to a general attitude that genre was juvenile, the sort of stuff kids enjoyed because they’re dumb and immature. It was perfectly okay to love comic books when you’re eleven; by the time you grew up you were supposed to leave those childish things behind. A show like Doctor Who was conceived in the early 1960s as a children’s program, and an educational one at that, because no one at the time would have imagined that adults wanted to watch a show about a time-traveling alien magician who lectures about Earth history for reasons unknown. With a few exceptions, sci-fi, fantasy, and horror films were always low-budget affairs designed to serve what was assumed to be an audience of teenagers and younger kids.

And then Star Wars happened, kicking off a four-decade shift as people began to realize two simple things: One, adults were just as into sci-fi and fantasy as kids; and two, there was money in speculative genres. A lot of money.

The Nerdening

It’s no joke to say that the last few decades of pop culture have been a slow triumph of all things speculative. So, so much of modern-day pop culture is driven by science fiction and fantasy, from the Marvel Cinematic Universe to Game of Thrones and Stranger Things. What was once the province of grindhouse and pulp is now mainstream, and one unexpected and oft-overlooked effect of this shift is the erosion of genre lines. Put simply, it’s increasingly common to find speculative tropes used in ‘literary’ genres—and vice versa. The result is a kind of new Gray Genre that isn’t clearly definable as old-school literary fiction but also doesn’t seem to fit neatly into the classic sci-fi or fantasy categories.

Two easy examples of this new, mixed Gray Genre is Never Let Me Go by Haruki Murakami and The Road by Cormac McCarthy. Both are clearly science fiction—one telling the story of clones grown to be sources of replacement organs, the other about the grinding attempt of a small number of people to survive the end of the world. Yet both are usually categorized and discussed as literary fiction, largely due to the prior work of both authors and a lingering prejudice against sci-fi in literary circles—writers with reputations for serious work still fight hard against what they see as a cheaper, more juvenile classification. Ian McEwan recently worked pretty hard to insist that his novel Machines Like Me, which deals with artificial intelligence in an alternative universe, is not actually sci-fi. And Colson Whitehead’s novel The Underground Railroad, which won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction, also won an Arthur C. Clarke Award, though you wouldn’t know it from the book’s official website, where the Pulitzer, the National Book Award, the Andrew Carnegie Medal, and the Man Booker Prize are all mentioned prominently.

But these lingering prejudices are the product of that earlier age, and are fading fast. The fact that Whitehead can publish a novel that is essentially a work of alternate history and magical realism and have it win a Pulitzer proves that. As more and more novels like these—and more and more writers follow in Justin Cronin’s (The Passage) footsteps as a writer who moves between genres without losing anything for it—there will be less of a focus on the specific genre of a story, and having speculative tropes pop up in all kinds of stories will be more common.

Consider a TV series like HBO’s Years and Years, which is marketed as a drama but has a clear-if-subtle sci-fi premise that follows a British family over the course of fifteen years stretching into the near future. Notably, the discussion surrounding the show has little to do with whether the conceit makes it any less a drama, signaling that general audiences—people who have been watching Marvel movies for more than a decade now, and who undoubtedly include folks who never read epic fantasy growing up but became hooked on Game of Thrones—no longer find these elements foreign or juvenile. They’re just tools of the storytelling trade.

None of this excuses my having watched all 279 episodes of The Big Bang Theory, of course—but it’s how we got to the point where a film like Hobbs and Shaw (a spinoff from the ridiculous and ridiculously successful Fast and Furious franchise) can be marketed as an ‘action’ film when the plot involves a cybernetically-enhanced supervillain, a deadly virus, and a complete suspension of the laws of physics. All the genres are being slowly baked into each other, until eventually they just won’t matter any more.

Read the Classics

Writing is a weird gig. At a recent panel someone asked about the writing process, and I told a funny story about living with five cats and how my process was basically writing whenever I didn’t have a cat sitting on my keyboard, and then I thought, how weird is it that I sit in the same room every day making shit up? Pretty weird.

It’s also weird how easy it is to get depressed or discouraged in this business. Sitting on the panel, it occurred to me that the writers assembled represented a wide swath of the career pyramid. We had folks who’d published dozens and dozens of books and were household names, we had folks who’d published a few things here and there. It’s so easy to look at the former and feel like you’re not going anywhere. It’s easy to look at the shambles of your work in progress (WIP) and feel like it’s a mess, and you’ll never finish it, and even if you do finish it you won’t sell it.

There’s one weird trick I use in these moments. I pull out something I wrote a while ago and read it.

Look On My Works Ye Mighty

There are only a few rules in this life that I believe to be universal:

  1. Cats > Dogs
  2. Whiskey > Everything
  3. Something I Wrote in 2005 >>>> Anything I Wrote This Decade

I don’t think I’m the only writer who feels like everything I write magically improves with time. I’m rarely satisfied with my work in the moment, but let it brine for a few years and open it back up and holy fucking shit I was fucking brilliant.

Try it! Pick up something you finished a while ago and give it a read. Marvel at the nuance you forgot about, the smart plotting you can’t believe you pulled off, the hilarious character bits that make you laugh. It never fails: That old piece I pull out of the hard drive might not be pure genius, it might need some work, but invariably I am amazed at how good it actually was, usually contrary to my opinion at the time. And that always gives me a push to get back to work and finish this piece of trash I’m currently hating on, so I can continue the cycle.

Of course, you run the risk of opening up a letter you wrote to yourself 20 years ago wondering how rich and famous you are and then getting blackout drunk in a deep depression, but what is life without risk?

Two Stories

This month I have two short stories publishing; “The Company I Keep” appears in the YA Mystery anthology Life is Short and Then You Die, edited by Kelley Armstrong, and “Zilla, 2015” is up over at The Lascaux Review.

I’m extremely proud of both stories, and pretty excited to have them out in the world. As anyone who has seen me talk about writing in public knows, I want to basically publish everything I’ve ever written, good or bad. So having two stories out in one month is kind of exciting.

What’s interesting about these two stories, at least to me, is that they both started off as novels. And after writing ~100,000 words between them, I wound up with about 10,000 words worth keeping.

The Company I Keep

The Company I Keep officially began life in November, 2014 as a book about a man investigating the death of his college roommate 20 years after the fact. I began folding in material from a book about a mother who poisoned her children as a form of punishment, and spent a solid four years, off and on, trying to make the story work. In 2015, I had a 30,000-word novella that I liked but didn’t love; it had a nice sharpness to it, but felt meandering. So I put THE END on it and made a halfhearted attempt to submit, but then began working on it again.

In 2017 I had a 61,000-word novel that I knew better than to try an publish. It wasn’t terrible, but it also wasn’t good. I’d added a lot of backstory and business to it, but none of it felt consequential. Along the way, I’d played with the age of the characters, and the main character had evolved into a sort-of genius, a kid smart enough to attend college when he was 16 but not smart enough to actually do anything with his brains.

But I liked the Voice. I liked the main character. And I liked the mystery. When I read about the MWA Anthology Life is Short and Then You Die, which was looking for YA mystery stories focused on seeing your first dead body, I thought, The Company I Keep would work if it was 6,000 words long instead of 60,000.

Unless …

Yup. I cut that novel down. I deleted 90% of the words. And I sold that story to the anthology. Which either means that I’m a terrible writer who has to throw away 90% of his work before he has something decent, or that I need a bit of help identifying when my idea doesn’t really need 60,000 words to get through.

Zilla, 2015

I’ve had a poster of Edward Gorey’s Gashlycrumb Tinies on my wall for years now, and had an idea about writing a novel where the Tinies didn’t die as kids, but were being murdered one by one as adults. In May, 2018 I started working on that novel, and never got very far, though I did work up a great deal of detailed background information regarding the characters (all 26 of them, natch).

In early 2019 I decided to make one last try, and began work on a bit that would act as a prologue for the novel, detailing the last days of Zilla. I liked what I did, a lot, and was optimistic about working up a novel around the concept.

Yeah, that didn’t happen. I flailed around for a bit, trying different ways back into the story. Then I began working on another novel which occupied increasing amounts of my brain, and eventually realized that the Zilla story was actually the point. That short story was what I’d been working towards for more than a year, I just hadn’t realized it. So I cut my losses and sent Zilla, 2015 to The Lascaux Review because it seemed like a good fit. And sold it.

What’s the lesson here? There doesn’t have to be one, but I suppose one take-away is that you can get hung up on an idea being this or that, when what you should be doing is seeing where those ideas take you. Or maybe the take-away is that even in failed novels you can often salvage something good.

I’m proud of these stories. I hope you read them and let me know what you think. And if you’re struggling with a novel right now, maybe you can pull something out of it right now instead of spending another few months trying to squeeze literary greatness from a rock.

Or maybe I’ll go back and try again on both of these novels someday. Why not? There are no rules. Or maybe the rule is, Jeff need to throw away 90% of what he writes all the time. Which would explain a lot, actually.

Jeff Gets Fancy

I recently got a pedicure, which was the final movement in a symphony that began two decades ago when The Duchess asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday.

As I have always been a man in love with sitting at home in the dark, I told her “Nothing.” I wanted a day to just write, listen to music, and read books. I thought this was reasonable. The Duchess thought I was kidding. When the great day arrived and I emerged from my sleeping chamber swathed in a velvet bathrobe, scratching myself in intimate ways, The Duchess greeted me in her Jeff’s Birthday Adventure Outfit and politely inquired as to what I wanted to do. Upon being informed that we’d already discussed this and I thought we were doing nothing, she became confused.

The Duchess: Nothing.

Me: Yup.

The Duchess: Fascinating.

Me: Yup.

The Duchess: You’re the weirdest husband ever.

For years, she refused to believe that I might actually wish to do just stay home on my birthday. Her own birthdays were imperial affairs, usually involving travel and sumptuous dinners; they were events that required planning and expense. And for years she attempted to force my own birthday celebrations into the same pattern, and I went along mainly because it made her happy. Then, this year, she suddenly announced that she finally believed me and that we would, therefore, make no plans for my birthday.

You Can’t Always Get What You Want

I was elated, but when the day actually arrived I had second thoughts. I’ve never had the courage of my convictions, and I began to contemplate my poor wife sitting around the house bored to tears because I’d insisted on a Day of Nothing.

The thing was, I made the initial request back when I was still working a day job and trying to cram writing time in wherever I could find it. The idea of having a whole day to just to work on a novel or story was incredibly exciting. But these days I’m a freelance writer, and so I have a lot more flexibility. If I want to work on a novel at 10AM while wearing a top hat and cape and nothing else, I sure can. So carving out a birthday for myself isn’t as much of a priority. Also, there’s the whole getting older and staring into the void so what’s the point of anything factor, but let that drift.

So, thinking I was about to be nominated as The Best Husband of All Time, I told The Duchess if she wanted to do something on my birthday, I’d be down.

The Duchess: So … after two decades of complaining now you expect me to plan a birthday for you with zero notice.

Me: No … wait … see, this is —

The Duchess: I suppose you want a parade. And elephants. And a big fancy dinner reservation.

Me: No, I was just thinking —

The Duchess: Fine. What do you want to do?

Now here it got tricky, because I knew I had one shot to turn this tanker around and be a hero instead of a jackass. I needed to come up with something astounding, but also easy to arrange. Something that would make The Duchess very excited.

“I want to get a pedicure,” I said.

Touch Me I’m Sick

I don’t think about my feet. Ever. My nail-clipping and other foot grooming is haphazard and inconsistent, and I have callouses on my callouses. But I’ve always been honestly fascinated by the idea of a pedicure. There’s something … fancy about it, like getting a shave at the barber: Something that goes against the grain of my middle class upbringing and makes me feel like a billionaire.

The Duchess almost exploded in excitement, and within seconds the arrangements were made, and about twenty minutes later I was sitting in one of those plush seats with my feet soaking. Everything went swimmingly until we got to the part where they buff off your callouses. I’m kind of ticklish, and The Duchess had a good time watching me for signs I was going to break into hysterics, but I held onto my dignity.

But then the callous scraping went on. And on. At one point, I think the poor girl had to switch out for a fresh scraper, and when they all started speaking in a different language I assumed they were discussing, in wonder, how it was possible that I was at liberty in society.

I mean, it went on. And on.

When it was done, however, I had new feet. They were pink and smooth and we went for a drink to celebrate, and it was definitely the best birthday ever. Except for that time my Future Self time traveled into my bedroom and kicked me in the groin for some crime I’ve yet to commit.

Stop Asking Permission

Like a lot of people who grow up to make their living by writing words, I began writing as a kid; I wrote my first story when I was probably eight years old or so, prompted by a classroom assignment. When I started reading books (The Lord of the Rings and The Chronicles of Narnia, most notably) that sealed the deal — I wanted to write stories, and that was all I wanted to do.

Yes, I was an extremely cool kid. Who needs money, athletic ability, or dashing good looks when you can write a story?

Anyways, as a kid I wrote via instinct, blatant plagiarism, and wild abandon. I never worried about whether my work was original, or whether it followed some set of rules about fiction. I just made shit up and had fun doing it. And to a large extent I’ve continued that tradition as an adult. Sure, I am more conscious of what’s happening in popular writing right now, and I avoid the level of outright idea theft I once engaged in, but I’ve never understood why so many aspiring writers pause to ask permission about their ideas.

Mother May I

You see a lot of this on writer’s forums and in-person at conferences and such, questions that begin with “Can I …” and end with some writing technique or decision. Some common ones are “Can I use real locations as settings?” or “Can I use different POVs in one story?” or “Can I have a lot of characters in a relative short story?” Sometimes, of course, the question is formatted differently; asking “How many characters can I have in a 10,000 word story?” is pretty much the same question.

The answer to all these questions, of course, is sure! If you can pull it off.

The frightening thing about writing is that it’s wholly creative. You start with nothing and you make a story out of thin air, characters, setting, conflict, plot — all out of thin air. That’s also the great thing about it, but it can be intimidating; rules give us structure, they put bumpers on the sides so you can’t jump the lane and crash.

Don’t ask permission. Go ahead and crash. If you try to write a story and fail, so what? You start over. You try to figure out why it didn’t work. You hone and revise and tinker. Asking other writers whether or not you’re allowed to do something will just get you a wide range of answers, because writers each have their own limitations, their own private rules with no guarantees that they will map well to your own inclinations. Trust me; just by going ahead and writing whatever terrible trash you’ve got in mind, you’ll figure out what works and what doesn’t, which is way more important than what’s allowed.

Except when it comes to pantslessness. Trust me when I say asking whether you’re allowed to take off your pants is not only polite, it’s often quite advisable.

WDC 19

So, over the weekend I once again participated in the Writers Digest Annual Conference in New York City. The Duchess put some pants on me and we crossed the river without incident, unless you consider me spontaneously breakdancing on the subway an incident, which, to be fair, everyone else on the subway car certainly did.

First up was a two-hander with my agent, the Query Shark herself, entitled “JEFF SOMERS TELLS ALL, JANET REID REVISES HIM: BEHIND THE SCENES OF THE AUTHOR/AGENT RELATIONSHIP.” This was a lot of fun, as Janet and I have a great relationship and love to take the piss out of each other, and folks at WDC have a lot of questions about how a real-life agent relationship works. Here’s a photo of me trying to decide if I’ve just been insulted or not:

Not sure if ‘braying jackass’ counts as an insult.

After that The Duchess and I grabbed some lunch and a beer, and returned to the hotel to discover that half the WD Staff had been looking for me because my presentation file for my solo gig (Mistakes, I’ve Made [More Than] a Few: Learning to Take Failure in Stride as an Author) was crashing computers everywhere. After figuring that out, it was time for me to stand up in front of people and talk about all the humiliating failures I’ve experienced as a pro writer. For an hour.

I almost look competent here. Almost. Thanks to The Duchess for these great pics!

I really do think this is a subject that needs more attention at writing conferences and the like. When you’re asked to stand on stage and offer wisdom, the urge to brand yourself as an expert who knows everything is strong, but it’s a disservice to people making their way up, because it gives the impression that there is One True Way and deviating from it is disaster. I think if more pro writers spoke honestly about the times they failed, people would benefit greatly.

I got a great response to the presentation, with a lot of people staying behind to chat and ask questions, so I think others agreed. As always. WDC did a fantastic job pulling this together. Aside from me there were of course dozens of other great writers sharing their experience and advice (a few you might have heard of, like N.K. Jemisin and Karin Slaughter), and the WD folks work their butts off to make it a great experience for all. Thanks, guys!

Finally, here is my new avatar for all things social media.


Me and ‘Hook’

FRIENDOS, I’m kind of an asshole. My slow realization of this fact has been humbling and disturbing, because my personal evolution tracks like this:

AGE 9: I’m the fastest kid on this block!

AGE 14: I’m the smartest motherfucker in this room!

AGE 18: I’m the nicest guy in the world!

AGE 25: I … may have miscalculated.

AGE 35: I definitely miscalculated.

TODAY: I’m an asshole.

Now, don’t get me wrong: Part of being an asshole is liking yourself quite a bit, so I don’t lose much sleep over this revelation. But it does temper my reaction to things, because realizing that you’re kid of a dick is powerful stuff, especially when you realize that all those times people seemed to be celebrating your dickishness was really them shining you on a little.

For example, Hook.

Happy Thoughts for The Loss

To say I loathed the film Hook is an understatement. One of the few films I’ve never seen twice, I walked out of the theater in 1991 like Pig Pen from Charlie Brown except the cloud was anger and sarcasm. It was the relentless twee-ness of the film that offended me; by the time we got to all the guff about happy thoughts I was ready to set the theater on fire.

Back in 1991 I went to a lot of movies with a group of friends. Every week, sometimes more than once, we’d be in the theater; it was our default plan when we couldn’t think of anything else to do. Which means we saw some stinkers in that time, some real trash films, and yet I came out of those with a smile and a shrug. Hook just got to me in a way I couldn’t quite explain at the time, and I let everyone know exactly how I felt about it. I was hilarious in my rage, and it quickly became a joke among those friends. Hook became my talisman of anger, and any time a movie or TV show sucked people would make funny comments about whether or not this would be my new Hook.

Now, looking back with the full knowledge that I’m an asshole, I see it all differently. Because while Hook is a flawed film that I never wish to experience again, I didn’t take the time to analyze any of that and simply reveled in the joy of shitting all over someone else’s work.

Now, this is a minor thing. Thankfully, it all happened before The Internet, so it’s not like I have a million embarrassing blog posts about it. And it was kind of funny. To this day people will reference my outsize, jerky reaction to Hook, and we all laugh and laugh. But it reminds me, all the time, that someone created the things I am watching, reading, and listening to, and that being a jerk about not enjoying it might be fun but it’s also an asshole move that doesn’t help me understand why I didn’t like it. And the why is how you become a better writer. Not to mention how you respect other artists even when you dislike what they’ve done.

In the end, I think that Spielberg guy was okay despite my tiny fists of rage in a movie theater in Secaucus, New Jersey that night in 1991. And that’s the rub about getting older: You get more respectful and thoughtful, but much less hilariously ragey.

What To Do When You’re Hanging Fire

Has this ever happened to you:

You’re writing a novel, and things are going well. You’re halfway, or two-thirds, or one-fifth of the way through and you like everything you’ve done so far.

And then you hit a wall.

You end a chapter, and you have no idea where the story goes next. Everything is going according to plan, but your next steps suddenly don’t seem right. You’re still excited about the premise and the characters and all the rest, but you’re not excited about what comes next — or even sure what that should be. So you pause. You back away from the keyboard and you leave the story in suspended animation, hanging fire in-between the bits you thought were pretty great and the bits you haven’t written yet.

And then you wait.

The Hardest Part

When you’re plantsing a novel and inspiration runs dry, the best thing to do is just walk away. Leave off, go do something else, and treat finishing that story similarly to the way Douglas Adams had Arthur Dent learn to fly by throwing himself at the ground and missing: Don’t try to finish it.

This can be difficult, especially if you’re like me and can’t stand unfinished business. I have a mania for completing projects, and leaving a novel half finished for days or weeks or months is difficult. But necessary, because the worst thing you can ever do with a story is force it. If you aren’t inspired by the next plot point, hang back and wait until it comes. Otherwise you’re just grinding.

Of course, this presupposes that you’ve got the space to hang back. If you’re under contract or writing this book to literally pay the rent, you might have to grind, and the story will probably be fine, just not as great as it could have been.

Of course, when you’re old and busted like me, this also means you come across a 40,000 word half-novel you stopped writing 5 years ago and then completely forgot about, so you write a 350-word ending and call it a novella and go to bed.

The Myth of The Effortless Brad Pitt

When discussing the craft of writing, you might not think Brad Pitt comes into it all that much. Or, perhaps, you expect Brad Pitt to come into it constantly, to be a part of every conversation. Which: Fair.

I bring up Brad Pitt because I recently saw the film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and thus was exposed to over two hours of Pitt being impossibly cool as the confident, athletic, and possibly homicidal failed stuntman Cliff Booth. This included a gratuitous scene where Cliff climbs onto a roof to fix a fallen television antennae and takes off his shirt to bask in the California sun. I can imagine zero reason for this scene to be in the film except that Quentin Tarantino knew it would please his audience, or possibly because Pitt just takes his shirt off constantly and it was bound to be in the final cut by sheer weight of minutes captured on film.

But! I have not come here to drag Brad Pitt. He’s a fine-looking man, and obviously works hard at being fit and at acting. He’s fun to watch on the screen. That’s actually my point: Brad Pitt works hard at things. Cliff Booth? Not so much.

Effortlessly Cool

While it is true that no one wants their movies to be an hour longer so the director can include many lengthy sequences when their badass characters work out in the gym, train with weapons and in hand-to-hand combat, and drink endless beige smoothies filled with disgusting healthy goop, I wish there was at least a hint at that. Instead, Cliff is pretty typical: He’s never shown exercising, he drinks a fair amount, the one meal he’s shown preparing and eating is mac and cheese from a box, and yet he’s a smooth criminal who nearly defeats Bruce Fucking Lee in a fight. He exhibits badassery at several moments, most notably the bloody, hysterical ending. When he ascends that roof to fix the antennae, he does so in a few parkour-esque bounds. And, of course, he has Brad Pitt’s abs.

If I lived Cliff’s lifestyle, I’d be 300 pounds. Possibly dead. I would not be capable of killing hippies and bounding onto roofs.

Now, full disclosure, I don’t usually detail my characters’ training regimen in my own fiction. Avery Cates never spends a few pages doing crunches while he contemplates his reaction times. But! Avery is a desperate criminal, and he’s usually being pushed from one desperate fight to the next, so I always imagined his lifestyle just generally kept him in decent shape.

But so many stories have Cliff Booths in them: Mere mortal men who are somehow killing machines with perfect abs despite spending most of their time sitting around doing nothing.

A Pet Peeve

It’s a pet peeve, is all. And something to think about when you’re writing your own characters. You don’t need to detail their gym routines, but a little hint that it doesn’t just come natural would be appreciated, and will add to the verisimilitude of the piece. As well as a reduction of stress in our audience.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve been inspired by Cliff Booth to drink six beers and climb onto my roof. If you don’t hear from me in three or four days, assume I’m dead and someone please burn my hard drive.

The Power of Skip

I’ve always been a champion procrastinator. It’s a shame cycle: I put off doing things, even things I ostensibly enjoy, until I suddenly wake up in the middle of the night with a vision of my own impending mortality, and then you’ll find me sweating freely at 3AM as I work doggedly at four or five projects simultaneously.

Is almost everything I do driven by fear of death? You betcha. Except whiskey. I drink that for the love.

Of course, a lot of these unfinished projects are novels and short stories and weird metafictional thingies that I started working on in 1989 and now exist as 60,000 separate files in various word processor file formats.

What’s crazy about this is that I love writing. It’s the one thing I will always choose to do, one of the few things I’m just as enthused about, if not more so, than when I was a kid. And yet the main thing I procrastinate about is writing.

Who Will Finish All These Novels?

One reason for this that most writers will understand is simple: Creating a story can be damned intimidating. You look back at what you wrote last year and the process is mysterious, the inspirations opaque, the tricky bits impenetrable. How many of you have ever re-read something you wrote a few years ago and discovered you don’t recognize it, it’s like it was written by a stranger. That’s happened to me, and it can make starting something new kind of scary. After all, you can’t repeat a trick you didn’t understand in the first place.

What makes it harder, often, is the sense of heavy lifting that some aspects of a story can inspire. There are always bits of a story you’re excited to write, and bits you’re not so excited to write but need to be in there anyway. Often a story will begin with a burst of enthusiasm and then you run into a less-exciting bit and your brain issues a stop work order.

In those moments, a good way to deal with it is to skip those parts.

Skip It

There’s a tendency to think you have to follow rules when you write–but your process is your process.

Ian Fleming, who wrote the James Bond novels, had a remarkable process: He would write the story, the entire plot, without bothering with much detail. The end result was a skeleton of a book, but it had all the plot twists, dialogue, and characters. Then he would go back and revise, adding in the sumptuous details of Bond’s globe-trotting life.

In other words, Fleming skipped stuff he either wasn’t interested in or found challenging at that stage of the project. Then he went back and did the same.

You can skip anything. Skip the boring parts, the exposition and necessary mundane sequences that are required but unexciting. Skip the explanations and just keep moving; you can go back and explain (or figure out) what it all means in revision. Skip the details like Ian Fleming. Skip the dialogue! Why not. Any time you pause and think you’d rather not write this next bit … don’t. Put in a marker, move on to something you do want to write, and enjoy yourself.

Of course, you can go too far with this. Decades ago I skipped wearing pants, and look where I am today.