SO, as many of you already know, my next novel is titled “Chum” and will be published by Tyrus Books in a month (9/18/13 to be exact). So we’ve been gearing up some modest hoopla to celebrate the fact.
Giveaway the First: Tyrus Books has five copies up for giveaway at Goodreads. If you’re a GR member, surf over and sign up!
Giveaway the Second: Naturally I want to do my own thing, so here’s the deal. A modest contest, in three simple steps:
1. Surf on over the Chum’s official web site,
2. Click on Your Wishes, then Add Your Own Thoughts.
3. Leave message for Mary and Dave on the occasion of their marriage.
I’ll leave this open until 9/17. On 9/18 I’ll choose the 10 most entertaining, most unique, most whatever entries and give those people a signed free copy each, plus perhaps some mystery extras. Or perhaps not.
Note: Be sure to leave a real email on the guestbook page so I can actually contact you if I choose your note!
More to come, if I stay sober.
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