For Those of You Who Stalk Me

Here’s where I’m going to be tonight:

Evan Mandery Book launch party
85 East 4th Street
New York, NY

If you’re into brilliant writers, come by and celebrate. I will probably pretend I don’t know you. Don’t be put off by it.


  1. BlueMan

    I don’t think my emails inviting you to be guest of honor at my Weekly Wizards’ Wii Bowling Tournament really qualify as “stalking”… sheesh…

  2. Paul Riddell

    Bugger. I still haven’t gotten over missing your last KGB reading. (Speaking of which, because that’s where Ellen Datlow got her copies, did you buy a copy of Greasing the Pan yet, or should I send you one?)

  3. jsomers (Post author)

    Paul, bought one – but you could send me a SIGNED copy if yer feelin’ givey. I’d be happy to trade you one o’ mine if you want.

  4. Tricia

    Do you think you’ll ever make it out to Vegas? I know it’s not as cool as Hoboken but we’ve got plenty of booze 🙂

  5. jsomers (Post author)


    You never know; was out there a few years ago and the wife adores Vegas. Never say never. If my drinking ever gets truly out of hand I’d have to go there on a leaving LV pilgrimage, as well, so there’s that to hope for.

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