Mass Market Covers

Saw these a few days ago thanks to my uber-editor at Orbit, but didn’t realize they were releasable, because I never ask the right questions. Friends, I give thee the mass market covers of the Avery Cates books so far:

The Eternal Prison

Ain’t they pretty? Don’t they make you want to rush out and buy the books all over again?!? There’s actually a nifty little piece on Mass Market cover strategy over at the Orbit web site, where these covers have been unveiled, which I encourage you to read.


  1. Damaso

    I like the cover for the Electric Church quite a bit. IS there any update on a release date for TEP? I hope the release party won’t just be you grilling on the sidewalk in front of your house in August and a bunch of wine coolers…

  2. jsomers

    WINE COOLERS. I am offended. I almost banned you from the site just for that remark.

    So far no updates; all I know is Fall 09, though I had heard this really means late August. but nothing official. No actual plans for a release party, actually; unless me getting drunk by myself in the living room counts.

  3. Damaso

    Well the wine coolers would be for us; you’d be drinking the good stuff. You should have a party even if it’s small…

  4. Nemesis0

    Amazon still has TEP labeled for an August 12 release.

    and i always thought you went by the motto – “If it has alcohol in it…gimme gimme” so i don’t see what’s wrong with the wine coolers.

  5. jsomers

    I have booze standards, my friend. Sure, take away the small amount of money and shelter I now enjoy and I’ll be drinking antifreeze like everyone else, but for now: Standards, babee.

  6. Lunch

    A sidewalk burger release party. Sounds like some indy band.

  7. Dan Krokos

    Cool stuff! I wish the Eternal Prison one was orange though.

    When will you reveal the title for the fourth one?

  8. Craig

    The new covers are cool, but I miss Jae Lee!

  9. jsomers


    I think they might change the trade color for TEP as well, actually. We’ll see!


  10. jsomers


    Never fear–Jae Lee is still doing the trade covers, at least so far.


  11. Rebecca

    It screams bad-assia. I particularly like the Digital Plague cover that has a cityline sideways.

  12. Clammmms

    The cover to the QP version of The Electric Church is the reason I bought a copy in the first place. Books in the sci-fi section at the Borders I work at usually have such hideous covers that I spotted TEC for its lack of suck.

    The MM covers are pretty badass, too.

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