Tweetin’ a Story

Hola. A few days ago I mentioned I was going to start Tweeting a short story, 140 characters at a time, on Twitter to anyone who cares to follow. Why? Why not? Sounds like fun to me.

I’ve got a Twitter page set up for myself already, but I’ve also created a Twitter Page specifically for the short story (, so as not to get everything all confused. Why haven’t I yet? Because I want y’all to pick the story I’m going to Tweet, based entirely on the title. Here’re the three candidates:

“The Witch King of Angmar”
“The Black Boxes”
“Hold Me Closer, Tiny Dancer”

You don’t get anything else than that. So, comment here, email me, or contact me in any other way you want and let me know. The title that gets the most votes will begin Tweeting on 1/26. Thanks!


  1. Nemesis0

    The Black Boxes

  2. grey_tinman

    I vote for The Black Boxes. But I’m curious about the Tony Danza story too.

  3. Craig

    “Hold Me Closer, Tiny Dancer”

    Cuz I wanna see if you can write better than Bernie Taupin.

  4. Rob Tillitz

    I like Black Boxes, it begs a question, however Tiny Dancer has a sexual conotation. But you want one vote, and because Tiny Dancer has been used before, I vote Black Boxes.

  5. Mackenzie

    The Witch King of Angmar

  6. janet reid

    Hold Me Closer, Black Box King of Angmar, only you know….not that exactly.

  7. jsomers

    Thanks for votin’, folks!

    Janet: You will be punished for this effrontery.


  8. Don

    The Black Boxes sounds intriguing, but my vote goes to The Witch King of Angmar. I really want to see what you do with that. I know it’s going to be good.

  9. jsomers

    Thanks, Don!

  10. akabrady

    El Senor del Angmar!
    (Um, that was a vote.)
    (And bad Spanish.)
    ( A two for one special!)

  11. jsomers


    Noted. Gracias.


  12. Frank

    Hold Me Closer, Tiny Dancer. I love titles with punctuation.

  13. MG Tarquini

    The Black Boxes

  14. sean ferrell

    Hold Me Closer, Tiny Dancer…

    if only because it’s long enough to barely fit in a Twitter message.

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