The Last Rejection (Not Really)

As I continue to trawl my own storied past of rejection letters for blog fodder, I came across this significant bit of personal history. The year was 2002, the novels was called In Sad Review, which is a terrible, awful title, but it’s the novel that, several re-writes later, finally sold to Tyrus Books as Chum:



Now, those re-writes were done with the occasional advice of my agent, who returned to it every few years with ideas and kept trying to sell it even as other books of mine sold, and even as other clients of hers took off and became Big Deals. And this is all interesting because the rejection I got in 2002 was this one:

janetref2So, a rejection, but one that prompted me to send In Sad Review to the person who would become my agent, and a mere ten years later she in fact sold that novel. Just goes to show, even form rejections can sometimes lead you to something good.


  1. Janet Reid

    I count that as one of the luckiest days of my career.

  2. Zac

    Turned into one of my favorite books of yours!

  3. jsomers (Post author)

    Thanks, Zac – that means a lot, since the book is near and dear to my heart.

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