It’s The Final EVOLUTION, dammit

The Final Evolution coverHola: The fifth Avery Cates book, The Final Evolution, got a review in Publisher’s Weekly, which is nice. At least I think it did, because they seem to think the title is The Final Solution, which makes me think of unsavory things. Why does the universe hate me?

Anyways, it’s a nice little write up:

“Readers will enjoy the imaginative tale and look forward to more Cates adventures.”



  1. Sarah W

    Don’t sweat it — when readers can’t find the book by title, they’ll search by your name.

    Remember, the universe doesn’t hate, but it does love yanking people’s chains . . .

    Does this mean that there *will* be more Avery Cates stories (she asks in a rapt, yet non-stalkerly, way)? Because I was under the impression that this was, you know, the *Final* Evolution.

  2. Fillem

    W00t indeed, good sir. W00t indeed.

  3. Dennis

    If they messed up the name of your book – take it as a compliment!!! Often times you get so carried away with content that the name just gets away!

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