A Smattering of Reviews

It’s fantastic to see reviews of your books pop up years after they’ve published. Here’s a smattering of reviews that have popped up on the Intarwebs recently, just in case someone is inexplicably reading my blog but dithering on whether or not to buy my novels (inexplicable because of the mind control subliminals I use, naturally. HOW ARE YOU RESISTING THEM? I’ll have to unleash the winged monkeys on you instead).

  • Floor to Ceiling Books liked The Electric Church, babies: “The Electric Church read like a cross between Richard Morgan and Ocean’s Eleven – pared-down, noir and with a body count that defies belief. The humour is black and biting and the action is non-stop.”
  • Bookcrastination reviewed The Terminal State: “??Filled with all the run-and-shoot action fans of the series have come to expect, this ride is non-stop … I’m already pining for next year’s release.”
  • Elitist Book Reviews reviewed The Digital Plague: “… these books are a riot. Following Avery Cates on his violent and gruesome adventures is the equivalent to a summer blockbuster movie. There are gunfights and explosions enough to satisfy, and the action keeps moving throughout the book at a breakneck pace.”

So what are you waiting for? Oh, right: Someone to give the books to you, or someone to sell you one for a penny on eBay. Bastards!