Review Revue

Well, The Digital Plague is out there, folks, and that means reviews are comin’ in. Here are a couple of the more interesting ones to come my way recently:

– Paul Di Filippo ran his eye over it at Sci Fi Weekly: Not completely laudatory, but any review that contains the line “Still, let it never be said that Somers is not a daring writer” makes my toes curl.

Fantasy Book Critic took a swing at it as well: “I immensely enjoyed the book—even more than “The Electric Church”—and my adrenaline is already pumping for the next Avery Cates adventure” HUZZAH!

Reviews are funny things; on the one hand when I see one come across the transom I get a thrill, because someone is talking about a book I wrote. On the other hand, you hate to read them because they might say something really disheartening, and then you have to on an epic drinking binge, waking up three weeks later in Panama wearing someone else’s suit. It puts a dent in the writing time. And also too the brain cells.



  1. Craig

    You say: “On the other hand, you hate to read them because they might say something really disheartening, and then you have to on an epic drinking binge…”

    I say: Let’s be honest… ANY THING could send you down that path.

  2. jsomers (Post author)


    If I wasn’t drunk right now, I’d be offended.


  3. Craig

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. After a long day at work, your comment gave me the best laugh I’ve had all week.

  4. James

    Hooray, I ordered TDP and it should be in next week!

    Btw, one cd is sitting here ready to go, but there’s still one more in the works. This week, I promise!

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